Tempress Furnaces


Tube 2 - OxidationTube 3 - AnnealTube 4 - LP-CVD

Main purpose

Oxidation of silicon (SiO2), thin films

Anneal, alloy  in forming gas

CVD of low stress SiN and stoichiometric Si3N4

thickness 10-500 nm


Main Characteristics

Deposition temperature max 1150 °C, Oxide thickness up to 2µm

Anneal up to 900 °C, alloy up to 400 °C

Stress 100 MPa


Available: H2O, O2 - Tube cleaning with trans-LC

Available: AR, H2, N2 - Tube cleaning with trans-LC

NH3, DCS, N2 , Ar


Max. 100mm wafers, small pieces allowed.

Special condition

Operated by KN staff only

Equipment owner



+31 6


Charles de Boer (back-up)


+31 652169001