IO3040 - Software

Software is the brain of product-service systems being responsible among others for intelligent functions, smart product/service behaviour and management of user-product- service interaction. When designing product-service systems, industrial design engineers are responsible for conceptualizing feasible software solutions that not only fulfil the stakeholders’ requirements, but also provide interoperability with other components. To be able to perform these tasks designers need to obtain a good understanding of available ICT technologies, and be aware of their capabilities and limitations. In this course you will acquire insight into the basics of ICT solutions used in product service systems and get hands on experience with software technologies. By the end of the course, you will be capable to act as the mediator between ICT specialists and other stakeholders  involved in the product-service system development and capable to write simple software applications. 

Software (IO3040) is an elective course. The course is systematically composed from some theoretical constituents, which is then subsequently applied in practical and experimental tasks. You will create software applications using the programming language Java on Android platform. Android has recently become the most popular operating system for computing devices. In a project you invent a solution for a practical problem by writing a computer program that can retrieve and interpret data from a camera, microphone, photo camera video camera, online resources, acceleration sensor, temperature sensor, magnetic field sensor. Examples are: Register the BPM (beats per minute) in a music hall, measure the speed of vehicles using your mobile phone, make a real-time graph of a singer's voice etc.