Board of Examiners

You can contact the Board of Examiners with special requests concerning your curriculum and questions concerning the

Teaching and Examination Regulations and the Rules and Guidelines of the Board of Examiners

 and/or deviations from these. For example, if you want to take a non-standard programme (self-composed) minor or exemption from a certain course, you should submit your request to the Board of Examiners.


The Board of Examiners deals with individual requests from students concerning the curriculum and decides on individual requests for deviations from the standard Teaching and Examination Regulations.

Complaints and appeals

A student who is considering lodging a complaint or appeal should first contact one of the academic counsellors.

Degree certificates and examinations

Once a student has successfully passed all their courses, they will be awarded their Bachelor’s or Master’s degree certificate. The Board of Examiners is responsible for these degree certificates and decides if the student may be conferred the predicate cum laude.

Teaching regulations

The rules concerning teaching and examinations are set down in the Teaching and Examinations Regulations (TER) and the Rules and Guidelines of the Board of Examiners (RGfBE). Issues covered by the regulations include the organisation and coordination of examinations, the appointment of examiners and the pass/fail provisions.


Fraud is cheating during an examination, free-riding on the work of others during group assignments, using someone else’s ideas or texts without acknowledging the source (plagiarism) or using falsified data in research, including user research. A teacher who suspects a student of fraud must always report this to the Board of Examiners.