Startup Voucher

Are you an IDE student with  an innovative idea and do you want to kick-start your own company? Funding your prototype and coaching in the process of developing your own business is made possible through the TU Delft Startup Voucher programme

IDE students can apply for the general Delft Enterprises Startup Voucher (DE Startup Voucher) to cover the first costs of developing an innovative idea into a business proposition. For more information and how to apply, go to Delft Enterprises Startup Voucher.

If you want to discuss your application before you apply for the startup voucher you are invited to contact one of our experienced IDE sparring partners, Matthijs or Geert.


From education on entrepreneurship to links to Incubators, TU Delft has a lot to offer entrepreneurial minded students.  To find your way in what is currently offered visit TU Delft Campus Entrepreneurship  and start your entrepreneurial journey!