Evaluation of education
The faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) considers the quality of education an important subject. That is why the faculty uses a system for quality management, containing various means to monitor and safe guard the quality of education.
Results of previous evaluative activities can be seen by students and employees of the TU Delft on Brightspace.
Educational advisor
Drs. Nel Pouw
Education evaluations
System for quality management
When the education programs were created, the quality objectives of these curricula have been formulated. Those objectives are translated into quality guidelines. Then, the information needed to monitor the quality of education is set down.
Consequently, the actions that are necessary for the improvement of the quality can be taken once the outcomes of the various measurements have been analysed.
This way, the cycle of quality management is put into action, as is shown here:
For further information on the system for quality management of the faculty of IDE, please contact the educational advisor.
Quality Measurement Instruments IDE
IDE applies several instruments to monitor the quality of education. Like course evaluation, panel evaluation and time registration study.
Beside this, the faculty uses external researches like National Student Survey (in Dutch: NSE) and the Alumni-survey.
Evaluations results
On this pages, we publish annual overviews of evaluation results of the IDE Bachelor and Master programmes. Course evaluations can be found in the electronic learning environment on Brightspace.
De kwaliteitszorgactiviteiten van het Bachelorprogramma IO in 2023-2024 staan in dit overzicht samengevat. De voornaamste uitkomsten: (1) Naar aanleiding studentenevaluaties is prototyping uitgebreid en verbeterd; (2) de vakken DI en DPD zijn in het rooster omgewisseld. De gemiddelde response op de evaluaties waren voor vakken in het eerste jaar 65%; bij tweedejaars vakken 64%; voor het derde jaar 54% en bij de minors 61%.
91% van de evaluaties zijn op papier gedaan, de andere 9% waren digitale evaluaties. Er zijn 26 van de 39 vakken geëvalueerd.
Fun fact: Wist je dat alle open opmerkingen bij elke evaluatie afzonderlijk worden bekeken, geclusterd, geanalyseerd en besproken met de vakcoördinator?
Annual summary quality assurance IDE master programmes:
In 2023/24, almost no masters’ courses were evaluated, in anticipation of all new courses from September 2024.
In contrast, in 2024/25 many new courses are scheduled to be evaluated. A quality assurance infographic will be available after that academic year.
The external quality control on TU Delft consist of an institutional quality assurance assessment and a six-year programme assessment by the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organisation (NVAO). More information can be found on the TU Delft website.
The programme assessments take place every six year; the last one was in 2019. All programmes, the IDE Bachelor programme and the Master degree programmes Design for Interaction, Integrated Product Design and Strategic Product Design were positively assessed on the quality of the education programmes. In a development dialogue with the assessment committee, the IDE faculty discussed their plans for further developments on the programmes.