IO3030 - Design Visualisation
Introduction: framework of design process steps
After having past the first and second year of IO, the time has come to prepare for what’s next: the master of IDE, and the reality of the design practice. The course Design Visualization continues the series of PO design drawing courses in the curriculum, though it goes far beyond that.
The course of Design Visualization aims to provide the required set of tools, instructions and exercises to help you exercise and experience a series of steps and techniques that are characteristic of a practice based product design project. The execution and visualization of these design process steps (as part of two extended thematic trajectories) will form the course’s framework. The framework comprises two sessions for each drawing studio group, each week.
Link to practice: techniques and approaches
In order to create a clear link to the daily product design practice (design departments or agencies), the course integrates the various ways of visualizing and various techniques, in correspondence with the stage of progress. The course comprises both analogue and digital drawing techniques, visualization material appearances, photography, play acting, visual thinking, graphics (poster) composition and editing, applied in integrated design trajectories that go from ideation to final presentation. In most of the weeks, the first session will concern drawing on paper, and the second will deal with drawing/editing digitally.
Thematic trajectories
By doing two trajectories one after the other, mid term feedback sessions can truly help improving the work and results of the second part of the course. Both thematic trajectories will be preluded by introductory lectures explaining the full assignments, and will be finalized by submitting posters that summarize the executed design processes and that present the result.
LAPTOP compatible to Photoshop (preferable latest version),DRAWING TABLET (minimum requirements*)Using a drawing tablet (next to your laptop) when attending the elective course of Design Visualization is obligatory.
Students need to purchase/ have a drawing tablet available before the start of the course. In order to make sure that the tablet meets the aims of the course, the minimum requirements for the device are as follows:
Active area: 216 x 135 mm.
Resolution: 2540 dpi (1000 lijnen/cm).
Pressure levels: 1024.
Each year we invite the tablet supplier to offer a drawing tablet for a reduced (student) price. See Blackboard for more suggested models, and for the purchase procedure.
Supergave oefening, hele nieuwe dimensie aan het tekenen (ironisch hè). Leuk hoe je veel met vormen, thema’s, details en chroom kan spelen, en heel praktisch. Wellicht toch nog een snelle maar dringende herinneroefening toevoegen?
Ook cool, de oefeningen leveren steeds 'tastbaardere’ objecten op. Hoe je een wiel fijn in een wielkassie tekent, vond ik nog lastig.
Meer informatie
- Vakomschrijving in de studiegids
- Evaluatie resultaten
- Delft Design Drawing