Graduation opportunities

The projects / assignments in this list have not been screened or approved by the faculty yet. The descriptions are as submitted by clients. Students should actively examine whether it will be possible to develop a project into a suitable Graduation Assignment.

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Graduation opportunities

2024-12-16 | Connecting Design for Health Research with Design for Health Practice, CardioLab

Healthcare services constantly need to change to improve health outcomes, reduce costs, and improve the experiences of workers and patients. Developing new practices for doing this supports this transition. Here, design research in the health domain impacts in many ways, such as affecting policy, service delivery practices, research methods, and design practices. In this graduation opportunity, we will focus on how design research can create a stronger connection to design practice in the health domain. CardioLab is one of the Delft Design Labs that focus on the healthcare domain, and we are interested in how we and the other design researchers in healthcare at TU Delft can come closer to practice.

2024-12-10 | Co-designing an intervention to transform value tensions in nutrition for parents of young children in disadvantaged neighbourhoods, TU Delft

This project aims to explore and inspire how interventions can support the well-being of families in disadvantaged communities. Design and knowledge generated in the project can be directly impactful towards design of an intervention for the project ‘Our Smart Family Buddy’, a collaboration with Erasmus Medical Centre amongst other institutions. The goal is to co-design an intervention—whether a product, service, or toolkit—that aids in transforming value tensions towards health-supportive choices of parents around nutrition.

2024-12-05 | Who can help us solve a human behavior riddle?, Ministerie van Justitie & Veiligheid

The organization Dienstencentrum is part of the Administrative Department of the Ministry of Justice and Security and is responsible for the business operations for this part of the Ministry. We work with various government suppliers such as FMH and SSC-ICT. In addition, the Dienstencentrum manages the accommodation in the Turfmarkt office building, the North Tower.

2024-12-05 | Ontwikkeling van een Toekomstgerichte Visie op Innovatieve Geboortezorg voor het Franciscus, Franciscus

Het Franciscus ziekenhuis staat voor de uitdaging om hoogwaardige en toekomstbestendige geboortezorg te leveren, waarbij de focus ligt op innovatie, patiëntgerichtheid en efficiëntie. Om in te spelen op veranderingen in de zorgvraag en verwachtingen van patiënten, willen we de bestaande visie verder ontwikkelen waarbij ingespeeld wordt op de actuele en toekomstige behoeften binnen de geboortezorg. Denk hierbij aan innovatiegebieden zoals patiëntcommunicatie, pijnbestrijding, efficiëntere zorgprocessen en verbeterde samenwerking binnen het team.

2024-12-05 | Developing an innovation process for humanitarian NGOs, Medair

While innovation is necessary to be able to create more value in the future, the scope to innovate is limited. Based on this notion, the student within this graduation project is expected to develop an innovation process that is fit for NGOs, to help them to make changes to produce more value for their cause. The thesis project is conducted in collaboration with Medair, a Swiss humanitarian organization. Medair responds to human su ering across the globe, caused by displacement, disasters, and disease. Delivering emergency medical care, food, WASH (water, sanitation, hygiene) infrastructure, and shelter to vulnerable people are Medair’s core activities.

2024-12-05 | Designing a solution to support consumers with the repair of their consumer electronics, Techniek Nederland

In today’s linear economy, the rapid replacement of consumer electronics leads to CO2 emissions, resource scarcity, e-waste and pollution, thereby providing important environmental and societal challenges. Most consumer electronics are currently replaced because of the inability to fulfil their main function or a loss in performance. A repair economy in which consumers adopt repair practices can resolve such performance issues, leading to a Circular Economy for consumer electronics.

2024-11-27 | Prototyping Tangible Interactions With AI, AI Futures Lab

This graduation project builds on an AI-mediated pipeline for designing physical interactions with various hardware and software, originally developed during the Prompting Realities project at AI Futures Lab. The project aims to explore how conversational AI can transform the way designers prototype interactive technology. Instead of writing code, we can describe what the object is in plain language, explain what we want it to do, and let the AI take care of making it happen.

2024-11-27 | Online presentation of clothing fabric, TU Delft

In online fashion retailing, communicating clothing fabric is difficult, leading to unnecessary returns. Different ways of presenting fabric properties will be compared (e.g., using pictures, videos, or interactive graphics) in order to help people in getting an accurate perception of the fabric online.

2024-11-27 | How can brands stimulate responsible consumer behaviour?, TU Delft

Strong brands play a significant role in shaping consumer behaviour. They can influence purchase decisions, perceptions of product and service experiences, and even foster emotional connections with consumers that lead them to form communities. Moreover, brands can shape how individuals see themselves and their social roles; for instance, purchasing specific brands can reinforce group membership, helping individuals feel a sense of belonging and authenticity. Recent research in consumer behaviour continues to provide compelling evidence of how brands not only structure market perceptions but also how consumers view themselves and others.

2024-11-20 | Speculative AI-powered visibility practices through collaboration technologies, AI Futures Lab

By leveraging speculative design methods, the project employs speculative design methods to examine the impact of AI on workplace visibility, highlighting opportunities and risks such as increased efficiency and transparency against concerns about privacy, data security, and ethical implications. Specifically, it explores how AI shapes, mediates, and facilitates impressions in the workplace. To achieve these aims, the project will create diegetic prototypes, mockups, and speculative interactions that reveal value tensions within this context.

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