Going Abroad

Are you going abroad?

Students can travel to green and yellow coded countries for internship/graduation- and studyprojects. TU Delft does not allow travel to orange and red coded countries because these colours refer to very serious safety risks. TU Delft's policy is based on the travel advice from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Each travel advice has a rating that indicates how safe a country or area is. This is done with a colour code. There are four colour codes: green (no particular safety and security risks), yellow (pay attention: safety and security risks), orange (only necessary trips, do not travel) and red (life-threatening situation due to very serious safety risks, do not travel). The colours give an idea of whether there is a security threat in the country or area.
This document  (disclaimer) provides you with important information highlighting the potential risks, if you should decide to go abroad as a part of your TU Delft study programme.

More information can be found on Government of the Netherlands. and the central TU Delft  internship abroad website.

For more information about further conditions, please contact the internship coordinator (internshipoffice-io@tudelft.nl).

NOTE: Please read the  disclaimer carefully!

Important:  When your internship takes place abroad you have to register yourself at MyTUDelft Stay abroad and follow the travel safety training. This way, you can make use of the travel insurance of the TU Delft and the TU Delft knows how to contact you in case of calamities. For more details, please visit the Internship Abroad page. Here you can also find more information about for example Funding & Scholarships, Safety, Insurance & Vaccinations, Language courses, and Housing Abroad.

If you need vaccinations for the country you visit, please let your internship coordinator know. She can supply you with a form for the SGZ which gives you a reduction of € 50,- of the costs.


Going abroad for an internship (graduation or a research project) can present risks that you do not expect in advance. To prepare you well for these unexpected situations, the university organizes training courses on travel safety. As indicated in the Disclaimer, you must follow the TU Delft Travel Safety training before the start of your stay abroad. This training is offered online and you can register via this link.

Before you travel abroad, do not forget to register your stay via My.TUDelft.nl, go to “Stay Abroad”!

Internship without studying in Germany

You can complete an internship in Germany even if you are not studying at a German university or have just finished a course. The only condition is that your work placement should relate in some way to the subject of your course.

Students who are not from EU or EEA countries as well as students from Romania and Bulgaria need a permit from the German International Employment Agency "Zentrale Auslands- and Fachvermittlung der Bundesagentur für Arbeit" (ZAV) (http://www.zav.de) to do an internship in Germany. With this "Confirmation of approval", you must apply for a visa at the German embassy/consulate in your country, or the authorities if you are already in Germany. Visit the following website for the information about the visa: https://www.germany-visa.org. Your prospective employer may also submit an internship application for you to the ZAV.

For a complete overview, visit the webpage at DAAD, the German Academic Exchange Service.
See also 'Duitsland Desk'.