Graduation opportunities

The projects / assignments in this list have not been screened or approved by the faculty yet. The descriptions are as submitted by clients. Students should actively examine whether it will be possible to develop a project into a suitable Graduation Assignment.

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Graduation opportunities

2024-11-20 | Speculative AI-powered visibility practices through collaboration technologies, AI Futures Lab

By leveraging speculative design methods, the project employs speculative design methods to examine the impact of AI on workplace visibility, highlighting opportunities and risks such as increased efficiency and transparency against concerns about privacy, data security, and ethical implications. Specifically, it explores how AI shapes, mediates, and facilitates impressions in the workplace. To achieve these aims, the project will create diegetic prototypes, mockups, and speculative interactions that reveal value tensions within this context.

2024-11-20 | Prototype 3D interactions with cylindrical display, TU Delft

We created Cyli, a cylindrical display that allows users to collaboratively explore and interact with 3D content directly - by moving the display around. We have a prototype that enables some basic demos, but there’s so much potential for the system to support engineering, design, education, games, and many other fields. We’re looking for masters students who want to design, program, and evaluate more complex interactions with the system for their graduation and possibly for academic publications in Human-Computer Interaction venues. This means that the graduation project involves a balance of design, programming, and research.

2024-11-20 | Exploring the Potential of Human-AI Co-Painting in the Era of Large Models, TU Delft

After years of advancements in creative AI, the field is now moving toward a collaborative approach. This project explores the potential of Human-AI Co-Painting, focusing on how traditional painters can meaningfully collaborate with AI to create artwork. By addressing the challenges of over-reliance on text prompts and limited artist involvement, the objective is to develop a new framework that explores innovative Human-AI collaborative methods to empower painters, and redefine the role of AI in creative processes.

2024-11-20 | Design to motivate consumer repair practice, TU Delft

In this project, you are invited to contribute to a research project “Fioxphobia”, which is part of a large consortium including diverse collaborations between academia and industry partners. This assignment expects you to implement Ai technology to motivate consumer repair behaviour for small household appliance. You are asked to focus on the design for behaviour change and motivational design. You are free to come up with whatever design you think fits best (product design/ interaction design/ PSS design).

2024-11-20 | Afstudeerproject duurzame ICT bij TNO Energietransitie Studies, TNO

Het gebruik van digitale diensten heeft een voetafdruk op het klimaat. Achter elke digitale applicatie zit een netwerk van kabels, apparaten en servers dat aangelegd moet worden en van stroom moet worden voorzien. Ondanks een gigantische slag in de efficiëntie van dit netwerk, neemt de totale impact op klimaat en milieu eerder toe dan af. De voorspelling voor komende jaren is dat de uitstoot van de ICT-sector zol verdubbelen tot 4% van de wereldwijde uitstoot. Een andere belangrijke reden is dat er sprake is van zogeheten rebound effecten bij de toepassing van efficiëntere ICT: meer efficiëntie leidt simpelweg tot meer gebruik. Om de impact van ICT-diensten op klimaat en milieu echt te verkleinen moeten we ook aandacht besteden aan het gebruikersperspectief.

2024-11-13 | Advancing 3D Printing for Designer Lighting with New Materials and Innovative Finishes, Beyond Bounds

We are Beyond Bounds, a design-led startup revolutionizing the lighting industry with customizable, 3D-printed lamps. By combining technology with sustainability, we aim to create designer lighting that is both accessible and eco-friendly. We are currently exploring new frontiers in 3D printing, and we invite a talented TU Delft student to join us in this innovative project.

2024-11-05 | ‘Jouw Verhaal Nu Centraal’: Ontwerpen van een nieuwe methodiek voor vastgelopen hulpverlening in de jeugd-GGZ, LUMC-Curium

In het project ‘Jouw Verhaal Nu Centraal’ ontwerpen we een nieuwe methodiek die in dit soort vastgelopen situaties ingezet kan worden om behandeling terug in beweging te krijgen en te komen tot nieuw perspectief in situaties die uitzichtloos lijken. We doen wetenschappelijk onderzoek en hebben kwalitatieve data verzameld over oplossingsrichtingen bij vastgelopen hulpverlening. Middels interviews en focusgroepen met jongeren, ouders en behandelaren met ervaring met vastgelopen hulpverlening, hebben we veel input, ideeën en werkzame elementen opgehaald, die aan een oplossing bij zouden kunnen dragen. De uitdaging die nu voor ons ligt, is om deze data te vertalen naar concrete ideeën en deze vorm te geven in een in de praktijk uitvoerbare methodiek.

2024-11-05 | Transforming Driver Well-Being Through Custom Seating, PERFECT FIT

After years of experience serving the healthcare industry through personalised seating products, SEC is now expanding into the logistics market. The objective is to create custom driver seating solutions that tackle the prevalent issue of musculoskeletal discomfort (MSD), improving driver well-being and reducing work absences and operational costs for logistics companies.

2024-11-05 | Join the LDE Interdisciplinary Thesis Labs 24/25

Become a leader in sustainability. Work on your individual master thesis based on a real-world challenge from an external organization. Meet professionals and academic experts, follow workshops, lectures and join excursions. At the same time learn, share and collaborate with other motivated students and contribute to a common, interdisciplinary result with real impact.

2024-11-05 | Design of an automated follow-me vehicle, TU Delft & Usher AI

The future of aviation depends on achieving growth in a responsible and therefore sustainable way (ICAO). The current opera-onal concepts of airports are stretched, with infrastructure and resources limitations impacting ground movements particularly. We need to work smarter, not build more of the same. THE ASSIGNMENT- is to design the automated Usherbot vehicle which drives in front of an aircraft on the platform area of any airport during any weather circumstance or time of the day, the so-called regulated follow-me process.

Graduation Support