
It’s quite normal to see a psychologist

You can definitely tackle procrastination

You don't have to be ashamed to ask for help

What can you expect from a student psychologist?

Besides courses and workshops, TU Delft psychologists also offer short-term, individual counselling. In principle, short-term counselling consists of a maximum of three sessions. During the intake we look at what the student or PhD is struggling with, how this came about and what he or she wants to work on. Then, together with the PhD or student, a plan is drawn up for the follow-up sessions. Sometimes it turns out during the intake that the student or PhD needs long-term guidance or a different specialisation than we can offer at the student psychologists. Then we refer the PhD or student to the general practitioner for a referral to a psychologist outside the TU Delft.

Students and PhDs often hope for a quick solution to their problem. Although we would like to achieve this, this is generally not a realistic expectation. Discussions can increase understanding and start a development process.

Everyone is different and has different needs. Should it turn out after 1 or 2 sessions that the student does not experience a good click with the psychologist in question, this can be indicated and we will see whether it is possible to continue the counselling with another psychologist.

We expect PhDs and students to take responsibility for filling in the application form on our website completely and truthfully.

If you have confirmed an appointment but cannot attend due to illness or other circumstances, please let us know 24 hours in advance. The sooner we know that you cannot attend the session, the more likely we are to be able to help another student during that time. If you do not cancel in time or do not show up, we will charge €10 as a no-show fee. 


Jolien van der Haar

Jolien has been working as a student psychologist at TU Delft since 2023. She studied Clinical Psychology at Erasmus University Rotterdam, where she graduated in 2014. Before she started working at TU Delft, she worked in mental health care, where she gave short-term treatments to people with various problems (including anxiety disorders and mood disorders). Jolien uses techniques from ACT and CBT in her work.

Mathieu van Rossen

Mathieu van Rossen has been working at TU Delft as a student psychologist since September 2023. He graduated from Leiden University in 2016 with a degree in Social and Organizational Psychology. After graduating, he worked for the Municipality of The Hague for the sustainable employability of employees, and then worked as a psychologist in Mental Health Care for three years. Mathieu prefers to work with techniques from Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), but, where necessary, also supplements this with techniques from other treatment methods.

Karin Hendriks

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Referring a student or doctoral candidate?

Are you an academic counsellor, teaching staff, thesis, PDEng and PhD supervisor, student doctor, general practitioner or other aid workers (within or outside the TU Delft) who wants to refer a student/PhD/PDEng candidate? You can assist the student/doctoral candidate with making an appointment by filling in the application form together. If in doubt, consult us by mail or by phone 015-2788004.

Please note! Only students and PhD candidates who are registered at TU Delft can sign up for and make use of the services of the student psychologists. Individual counselling sessions have to be completed within 90 days after deregistration.