
You can easily arrange re-enrolment via Studielink.
An email will be sent at the end of May/beginning of June regarding re-enrolment for the next academic year.

Please note!
You receive this email when enrolled until 31 August of the current academic year.
You should therefore regularly check your Studielink email.

Re-enrolment not possible?

You will not be able to submit a request for re-enrolment when you have no current registration.
In this case you must first submit a new request for enrolment via Studielink through clicking “add new request for enrolment” under the tab “programs”.
You will also have to submit a new request for enrolment if the re-enrolment button in Studielink is not available.

If you were previously enrolled for a Numerus Fixus program and want to re-enrol for the same study programme, the option “higher education student” is applicable.
For all other Bachelors and Masters degree programs you must enrol as “first year student” (No other option applicable in Studielink).


Your re-enrolment will be managed via Studielink.
Once you have logged in you will be guided through the re-enrolment process by choosing the option “re-enrolment”. To keep track of your re-enrolment process, you can use your Studielink account, MyTUDelft account and app.

If you want to switch to a different degree program or to enrol in a second degree program (for instance a Master's degree programme) then select the “new enrolment application” option in Studielink.

Are you experiencing problems logging into Studielink?

Check VRAAGBANK on the Studielink website for more information.

Please note: If you are logging in without a DigiD, please do not create another account.


To apply for DigiD visit the website
Please note that applying for DigiD can take up to 5 days.

Tuition Fee

In addition to submitting your re-enrolment request, you should also ensure the tuition fee payment is arranged on time.
For more information about the tuition fees and payment options, see Tuition and finances.

You need to confirm the direct debit authorisation in Studielink (Note that you will have to confirm twice). If your parents or a third party are paying the tuition fee, they will need to have a payment account (not a savings account) with a bank in a SEPA country.

Please consult the TU Delft Terms and Conditions and Liability before confirming the digital authorisation in Studielink.

You can change your account number yourself in Studielink. If this is not possible, you can submit the change via using the form below. Do this before the 15th of the month, so it will be processed before the next collection date.

If you wish to change the payment method, you can do so using the same form below. The change must be made via Please note! After 31 October it is no longer possible to change it.

If in doubt, please contact the Contact Centre.

Re-enrolment confirmed?

Once the re-enrolment has been completed, you will be able to download the digital Proof of Enrolment through MyTUDelft.

Please note!
To avoid problems with your re-enrolment, make sure you meet the enrolment requirements and the payment authorisation before 31 August. Or before 31 January when you start per 1 February.

Retroactive enrolment in another month is not possible.