MoMi Study Progress Monitoring

You need to obtain enough credits to keep your residence permit for study.

As a part of the Dutch Immigration Law, TU Delft is obliged to inform the Immigration Naturalisation Service (IND) every year about the study progress of non-EU students with a residence permit for study. This is called the Study Progress Monitoring.

Study progress influences your residence permit

To keep your residence permit for study for the duration of your study programme, you must obtain at least 50% of the required credits for each academic year.

Is your study progress not sufficient? TU Delft must then report this to the IND. You may lose your residence permit.

To whom does the study progress monitoring apply?

If you are a BSc or MSc student who starts the academic year in September: You must obtain at least 30 credits (before 1 September) since each year has a study load of 60 credits. If you start your programme in February, you must obtain at least 15 credits before 1 September.

Premaster / Preparatory year students

When you are enrolled for a preparatory period (a pre-master or preparatory year), you  must complete this programme within 12 months. An extension is not possible.

Student category

Required ects for MoMi before 1 September 

First year BSc or MSc student started programme 1 September


First year BSc or MSc student started programme 1 February


Higher year student


Premaster student

Complete programme 

Preparatory year student

Complete programme 


What if the minimum amount of credits for the year has not been reached?

TU Delft will check how many credits you have obtained between September 1 and August 31 of each academic year. At the en d of each academic year TU Delft will inform the IND about the students who didn’t meet the requirements of the previous Academic Year. IND will cancel your residence permit and you have to leave the Netherlands as soon as possible.

Only if you can show an excusable reason an exemption will be made to this rule.

(Exchange students who stay in the Netherlands for only a short period of time (a year or less) are exempted from the study progress monitoring).

Excusable Reasons?

It is possible that you experience some delay in your studies due to outside events that influence your studies. This delay may be caused by several reasons indicated below. In case you think that you have an excusable reason, please inform your study advisor and the student dean as soon as possible.

  • Illness
  • Physical or sensory impairment or other functional disorder
  • Pregnancy
  • Exceptional family circumstances
  • Board duties
  • Inability to study

You may only use the same excusable reason once.

If your ECTS cannot (yet) be registered due to one of the excusable reasons as mentioned above, please fill out the Study Progress Monitoring Form and have your academic counsellor to fill in and sign Annex 1 Academic Counsellor Statement.

Study progress not yet visible in Osiris?

If your ECTS cannot (yet) be registered due to the fact that it concerns writing a thesis, an internship, or a study project, please fill out the Study Progress Monitoring Form and have your Supervisor to fill in and sign Annex 2, Supervisor Statement.

You may only use the same study progress reason once.

Forms and Annexes

The MoMi Study Progress Monitoring Form and annexes can be downloaded here:

Next to the MoMi Study Progress Form and the applicable Annex, please include the following documents:

  1. An OSIRIS overview of ECTS obtained
  2. Your statement, clarifying the excusable reason and how your study progress was affected
  3. A study plan

Next, submit the MoMi Study Progress Monitoring Form (including the applicable documents) to a.s.a.p. and no later than 31 August 2024.

Deadline to submit the Study Progress Monitoring Form and required annexes is 31 August 2024.

Please note: if you already expect not to fulfil the MoMi Study Progress requirements this academic year and you have an excusable reason, you may already submit the Study Progress Monitoring Form (and required documents) as from May.

Outcome MoMi Requests

If you submit a MoMi request to be exempt from a negative MoMi decision, your request will be handled by the Student Administration department in cooperation with the faculties.

You will be officially informed about the outcome of your MoMi request as soon as possible, but no later than the end of October.


Positive decision

If you have valid excusable reason, you will be allowed to continue your studies and renew your residence permit if applicable.

Negative decision

If you have not fulfilled the MoMi study progress requirements and TU Delft decides that there is insufficient excusable reason or study progress, you will receive a negative decision. TU Delft must then deregister you at the IND. This also means that TU Delft can no longer act as your sponsor for your residence permit. 

The IND will inform you about the deregistration. Your residence permit may be withdrawn. You will receive a letter about this to which you can respond. If your residence permit will be withdrawn and you wish to remain in the Netherlands, you will have to apply for another residence permit.

Extension of Residence Permit

If you received a positive MoMi decision and your residence permit expires on 1 December, we will need to extend your permit.

What do you need to do to extend your residence permit?

  1. Fill in the enclosed documents:
    1. Antecedents certificate
    2. Declaration for Study Residence permit
  2. Copy all stickers/stamped pages of your passport, including your signature
  3. Copy residence permit card (front side and back)
  4. Scan and send all documents (in PDF format) by email to

Please note, your signature on these documents needs to be similar to the one in your valid passport.

When we have received your documents we will send you instructions on the payment of the extension fee.

Next, you will be notified by email when your new residence permit is ready to be picked up.

If you intend to go abroad before you receive your new residence permit, you might need to apply for a return visa to enter the Netherlands. Please refer to the IND for more information.

Take your responsibility!

It is your own responsibility to keep track of your study results. Therefore, make sure to:

  • Keep an eye on your results in MyTUDelft during the academic year.
  • Start taking action in time if you suspect not to fulfill the MoMi requirements.

Don’t wait until the last minute to meet deadlines or look for support!


Should you have any additional questions, please contact us at