Career counsellors

Whether you’re actively looking for a job or just want to explore your career interests more generally, your objectives and situations are unique. We offer you the space to join our experienced Career Counsellors in a confidential setting to work through your thoughts and structure your career plans. Our professional counsellors have in-depth understanding of the challenges faced by young professionals in preparing for the labour market and can point you in the right direction towards a meaningful career with real impact.

A job interview can be a source of dread, especially if it's your first time. To offer you support and help you prepare, we therefore invite you to make an appointment to practice an interview with the Careers Service Team. During the 60-minute appointment, you can practice answering difficult interview questions and get feedback, as a way of improving your confidence.

Before the practice interview, you will be expected to send your CV and/or completed job application form to your allocated careers counsellor together with a description of the job or study programme for which you are applying. To gain maximum advantage from the practice interview, we recommend that you read the material in our Career Toolkit under the heading Interviews & Assessments. Practice interviews can be held in the TU Delft Career Centre, via videoconference or by telephone, depending on how the real interview will be conducted.