Board of Examiners

You can contact the Board of Examiners for requests related to your educational programme, such as:

  • applying for a self-composed minor;
  • include the results of a self-composed minor in your SVO;
  • recognition of credits obtained abroad;
  • obtaining an exemption for a subject;
  • approval for completing Master's electives;
  • apply for Individual Double Degree.


For submitting the above mentioned requests, you must use the appropriate application form. The various application forms can be downloaded here. By using this forms, the central education administration can process your request quickly after approval from the Board of Examiners.

Complaints and Appeals

If you do not agree with the grading of an examination (this may be a written examination, paper or final presentation), please take this up with the responsible lecturer/coordinator of the course. The lecturer/coordinator should be able to explain the assessment procedure followed and how your grade was determined.

Are you unable to come to an agreement? Then you can lodge an appeal to the Examination Appeals Board within six weeks, starting the day after the decision has been announced (sent to you). The Examination Appeals Board will then ask the Board of Examiners to consider the matter.

Diplomas and Exams

After passing all courses you will be awarded the corresponding Bachelor or Master diploma. The Board of Examiners is responsible for awarding diplomas and determines whether a student receives a cum laude. The Rules and Guidelines for the academic year 2021-2022 for the Bachelor's degree programme state that the cum laude diploma no longer applies to starting Bachelor's students from the academic year 2021-2022.
For Bachelor students, the diploma is awarded during a separate diploma ceremony that is organised several times per academic year. You will receive an invitation for this. As a Master student you will receive your diploma immediately after your final presentation and assessment.

Education regulations

The rules regarding education and exams are laid down in the Teaching and Examination Regulations (TER) and the Rules and Guidelines of the Board of Examiners (RGoB). The dean is responsible for the TER and the Board of Examiners for the RGoB. The regulations concern, among other things, the organization and coordination of examinations, the appointment of examiners and the fail-pass scheme. More information about the TER, RGoB, Exam Policy of the faculty and the Graduation Manual can be found here.


Fraud includes cheating, copying someone else's ideas or texts without citing the source (plagiarism), free riding in group work or using fictitious data in (usage) research. If a teacher suspects a student of fraud, this will always reported to the Board of Examiners. They are conducting an investigation and will make a decision after hearing all parties involved. More information on Fraud and Plagiarism can be found here.

Composition and working method

At the Faculty of Architecture, we have one Board of Examiners that is responsible for all programmes offered. The Board of Examiners consists of teachers from the various departments, programmes and tracks. The composition of the Examination Board is as follows:

  • Prof.dr. P.J. Boelhouwer (chairman)
  • Ir. P.S. van der Putt
  • Ir. E. Verbree
  • U.D. Hackauf
  • Dr. M.T.A. van Thoor
  • Dr. O. Caso
  • Ir. E.H.M. Geurts
  • Dr. P.S.A. Stokkink (external member)

Secretary: Ing. H.A.J. Ootes and drs. J.F. Lintelo

The Board of Examiners meets once a month. Most questions are handled by the E&SA secretariat and the official secretary. The secretariat of the Board of Examiners can be reached via the secretariat of Education and Student Affairs, mrs. J. van Os, telephone number: 015-278 4252.

All correspondence with the Board of Examiners should be addressed to the secretariat of the Board of Examiners, e-mail:


Secretariat of the Board of Examiners