BK Studio Location

This Summer: Changes in the Attic Studios in the East Wing

The attic studios setup has provided all students with a good (self-study) space with a uniform design featuring many white tables. It also has drawbacks: the acoustics are poor, and there are limited possibilities for giving presentations. After fifteen years of intensive use, the faculty wants to address these issues.

Increasing student numbers
There is another reason to reconsider the layout of the attics: the growing number of students. In the coming years, both the bachelor's and master's programs will expand. This means we need to manage the available space differently. It will no longer be possible to offer everyone a permanent place for (self) study, and the spaces need to be scheduled more efficiently.

Over the past year, on behalf of the dean and in consultation with teachers and students, a proposal for the necessary changes has been discussed and drawn up.

What will change concretely in the attic studios?
From the coming academic year, the attic studios on the east side of the faculty will be entirely dedicated to bachelor's education. The acoustics and presentation possibilities will be improved by slightly reducing the number of tables and dividing the spaces with several tall cabinets. These will provide more visual privacy, improve the acoustics, and offer more space for hanging posters. Some of the cabinets will be equipped with computers and headsets for VR, which will be further expanded in the coming years. The different batches within the Bachelor's program will no longer have their own dedicated zones but will share the same spaces for design education and other educational activities. This will allow for better utilization of the available studio space. During times when no classes are scheduled, the studios will be available for self-study.

Next Steps
In the coming academic year the adjusted layout will be put into use. The faculty will closely monitor whether the adjustments have the desired effect. In the near future, consultations with master’s studios and students will also take place regarding the studios on the west side of the building to determine which adjustments in layout and scheduling are needed there.

More information
The first adjustments to the rooms will be made during the upcoming summer period. 
The studio schedule for 2024-2025 can be found on this page before the start of the new academic year.