Faculty Student Council

Faculty Student Council

Opening hours: 
Tuesday and Thursday
13:00 - 16:00

What is the FSC?
In the Netherlands, all students have the right to participate in their education. That is why every faculty has a Faculty Student Council (abbreviated FSC): a council for and by students, which actively ensures that the student's voice is heard. Through their right of consent, right of advice and right of initiative, council members can influence faculty policy. The FSC always strives for as much input as possible from the students. Only in this way can we form a representative body for the students. Do not hesitate to contact us!

What can the FSC do for you?
The FSC is committed to the best possible education for all students.

So, if you as a student recognise a recurring problem in a course, have a question about your studies or have an innovative idea about how the faculty could improve, make sure you approach the FSC! We will do everything we can to solve your problems and come up with interesting ideas. For example, if you have any concerns or issues regarding:
•    Bachelor Renewal
•    General quality of feedback
•    general facilities within the Faculty
•    etc

This year the FSC consists of

Agustina Poggione

Chair, Student Initiative, FO

Komal Nayak/Zhengyu Wu 

Secretary, OC

Galia Tomsen


Daria Pietruczynik

Sustainability & Faculty, BK Education

Daan Schlosser/ Diya Sharma 

Master & Bridging Portfolio

Chiara Thunnissen

Bachelor Portfolio



The council meets with the dean every six weeks, during which we present the relevant themes and current issues from students and faculty and future plans. The opinions of the students play an important role in this and are collected in advance using, for example, input lunches, surveys or polls. 
In addition, the FSC collaborates with many other parties, such as all other faculty student councils of TU Delft, Stylos, and the master practice associations: Argus, BOSS, Polis and BouT.

How to contact us?
The FSC office is located at the top of the Oranjetrap in the Oostserre (01.Oost.810). You are welcome to visit us anytime! 
Also, find us on Instagram and Facebook to stay informed about all the events and progress of things the FSC is working on, and don’t forget to follow us! 
Finally, you can always email FSC-BK@tudelft.nl.
The FSC looks forward to all your concerns, ideas and input. Make yourself heard!