
186 resultaten

12 september 2022

Looking back at the Visual Science of Art Conference 2022

Did you get a chance to attend the 2022 Visual Science of Art Conference (VSAC) in Amsterdam? If not, don’t worry. We’re here to tell you all about it. The conference took place from 24 – 27 August in and around Amsterdam’s Oudemanhuispoort. Its aim was to bring together artists and scientists who shared an interest in the visual aspects of art. The result? 130 scientists and artists from 20 countries gathered for a four-day event. The conference was co-organised by members of IDE’s Perceptual Intelligence Lab (Maarten Wijntjes, Jeroen Stumpel, Catelijne van Middelkoop, Cehao Yu, and Yuguang Zhao) and the University of Amsterdam’s Art History department.

12 september 2022

TU Delft course wins Outstanding Security Training Initiative prize

At this year’s Outstanding Security Performance Awards (OSPAs), the TU Delft Risk Management Summer Course took home the Benelux OSPAs’ Outstanding Security Training Initiative award. This year’s edition of the course was organised by IDE’s Sicco Santema, alongside IDE alumna Rinske Geerlings and TU Delft strategic risk advisor Regina Edoo. Of all the nominees in this category, Santema’s group was the only one to be nominated by the participants.

07 september 2022

Master's student from TU Delft wins the Netherlands’ James Dyson Award 2022

IPD master’s exchange student Konstantin Wolf took home the 2022 James Dyson Award (the Netherlands) with his invention BREATHE. Konstantin, who was on exchange from Muthesius University Kiel, spent six months at IDE. During which, he was able to bring his award-winning invention to the prototype phase. BREATHE was developed as a passive and sustainable ventilation solution to improve indoor air quality in small living spaces and to meet the needs of the growing Tiny House community.

07 september 2022

IDE graduate student awarded B-Part Fellowship

IDE graduate student Anne Arzberger was chosen to be a part of the ASME’s Design Engineering Division’s (DED) Broadening Participation (B-Part) Fellowship and Mentorship Program. As part of the fellowship, Anne received a travel scholarship that covered her costs to go to the ASME IDETC-CIE Conference (St. Louis) and gave her the opportunity to present a research proposal at a poster session for early-career graduate students.

06 september 2022

De vele invalshoeken van technologie en mensgericht ontwerpen

De vele invalshoeken van technologie en mensgericht ontwerpen

Van een vroege carrière in de experimentele psychologie tot hoogleraar Informational Ergonomics aan de faculteit Industrieel Ontwerpen (IO) van de TU Delft, professor Huib de Ridder heeft geleerd dat er vele manieren zijn om naar dingen te kijken. Maar één punt is altijd centraal blijven staan: het begint allemaal bij de mens.

06 september 2022

Ontwerpers helpen UX-inzichten een langer leven te geven

Ontwerpers helpen UX-inzichten een langer leven te geven

Zodra een ontwerper niet meer actief betrokken is bij het ontwikkelingsproces, worden UX-inzichten vaak verwaarloosd, waardoor de UX-kwaliteit van het product of de dienst afneemt. Dit fenomeen inspireerde Lilian Henze tot haar promotieonderzoek naar hoe ontwerpers dit kunnen voorkomen en het gebruik van UX-inzichten in het hele ontwikkelingsproces juist kunnen faciliteren.

01 september 2022

IDE researchers present at ASME IDETC-CIE Conference

This summer, four IDE researchers travelled to St. Louis, Missouri and took the ASME IDETC-CIE Conference by storm. In addition to attending the event, Professor Euiyong Kim and graduate researchers Caseysimone Ballestas, Anne Arzberger, and Tiara Spalburg had the opportunity to share the latest research from our faculty with the conference’s international audience.

01 september 2022

IDE researchers win Best Paper Award in New York

IDE Professor Pieter Desmet and Assistant Professor Haian Xue, alongside researchers Xin Xin and Wei Liu from Beijing Normal University took home the award for Best Paper in the Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship category at this year’s Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference 2022 in the US. Their paper is entitled: "Emotion deep dive for designers: Seven propositions that operationalize emotions in design innovation".

01 september 2022

Caspar Chorus on moving in with the neighbours

31 augustus 2022

Out of the Blue - International students of Delft Design – Yuka & Jack

Out of the Blue - International students of Delft Design – Yuka & Jack

A design researcher and a doctor sit together for a coffee in a hospital café. They discuss and draw on a napkin what a joined education programme for designers and medical students could look like. What if doctors understood design for healthcare, and designers the healthcare world?

29 juli 2022

Zijn we wel goed voorbereid op de ‘technologische storm’ die eraan komt?

Zijn we wel goed voorbereid op de ‘technologische storm’ die eraan komt?

Zijn we als maatschappij wel klaar voor de stormachtige ontwikkelingen op het gebied van Artificial Intelligence (AI), 5G of The Internet of Things? Over die vraag bogen onderzoekers van de TU Delft zich.