You are eligible to apply for the STIR Fund if:
- Your exchange or research project takes place outside the EU/EEA/EFTA.
- Your faculty must have a valid exchange agreement with the host university. This agreement must be registered at the Education Service Centre.
- You have started your 2nd year of study (minimum 45 ECTS obtained for Bachelor students).
- You are and will be registered as a full time student at TU Delft during your stay abroad.
- Your programme abroad (including research projects) counts towards your TU Delft degree.
- You have not received the STIR Fund grant before.
- You do not receive any other grant from a TU Delft mobility fund (ERASMUS+, Justus van Effen, IDEA League student research grant, Holland Scholarship) in addition to the STIR Fund grant.
- The study abroad does not take place in your country of origin.