Inspirerende loopbaan verhalen
TU Delft Alumni vertellen over hun persoonlijke loopbaan keuzes en over waar ze nu terecht zijn gekomen om jou te inspireren. Je kunt je voordeel doen met hun verhaal over de ervaringen en beslissingen die zij zelf als significant beschouwen. Bekijk de onderstaande verhalen:
TU Delft - Meet our alumnus – Sebastian Bosma: PhD student at Stanford University
Studying abroad was always one of Sebastian Bosma’s dreams. Now, he is leaving the Netherlands to continue his career as a PhD candidate at Stanford University. After having lived abroad as a child, he completed both secondary school and his master’s degree in Applied Earth Sciences, specifically Petrol Engineering in the Netherlands. Sebastian describes himself as “not the typical researcher” and has broad interests besides studying. He has always been interested in sports and was member of the board of a student enterprise for a year, in which a.o. he learned how to present himself to others. In applying to the PhD position, this clearly distinguished him from other applicants. Sebastian is enthusiastic about exploring a new direction at Stanford University.
TU Delft - Meet our alumna – Mirjam Fuchs: Senior Consultant at Yellowtail
Mirjam majored in life science and technology and is currently working in a financial sector. When people ask her why did she choose to work in this field, she argues that the problem solving, assessment, and analysing skills that she learned in TU Delft support her to be an asset for any organisation or companies. At Yellowtail, she helps banks and companies to digitalise their processes and consults how to approach these processes in contemporary way as part of the young generation herself. She is motivated to work as a team both in her workplace and her free time on a weekly boot camp in The Hague, and she always keep herself challenged with different tasks and opportunities. Her tip to young graduates is to always follow your gut feeling and wait the best opportunity that suits you best.
TU Delft - Ontmoet onze alumnus - Anurag: van MSc-student naar Architect in NL
Anurag werkt momenteel als Architect en Parametric Design Specialist in Amsterdam bij Zwarts & Jansma Architects. Hij vertelt over zijn leven en werk in Nederland en speciaal binnen dit archtiectenbureau. Hij laat zien hoe hij zich aan de Nederlandse cultuur heeft aangepast en hij deelt specifiek zijn ervaringen over de overgang naar de Nederlandse arbeidsmarkt.
TU Delft - Ontmoet onze alumna- Marta: van PhD naar Polymere Specialist in NL
Marta zie je als polymeerspecialist bij Incotec bij de hoofdvestiging in Enkhuizen. Zij deelt haar ervaring als promovendus en hoe de TU Delft haar heeft geholpen om zich voor te bereiden op een professionele carrière, en ook met het zoeken en vinden van een baan die bij haar mogelijkheden en wensen paste.
TU Delft - Ontmoet onze alumna - Amineh en haar carrière in de wetenschap
Assistent Professor Amineh Ghorbani vertelt meer over zichzelf, haar proefschrift "Structureren van socio-technische complexiteit" en wat ze denkt dat je voor een academische carrière nodig hebt. Ze ziet een academische carrière als een boom met verschillende bladeren, slechts een tak is publiceren. Ze geeft duidelijk uitleg over andere aspecten van een functie in de wetenschap.
TU Delft - Ontmoet onze alumnus - Jonas: Algoritmen ontwikkelen om borstkanker te bestrijden
Op de middelbare school was Jonas Teuwen behoorlijk zwak in wiskunde. Toch studeerde hij uiteindelijk af bij Technische Wiskunde aan de TU Delft, en promoveerde daar vervolgens. Zijn fascinatie en doorzettingsvermogen haalde hij puur uit de wil om het te begrijpen. Jonas ontwikkelt nu bij een universitair medisch centrum technieken die automatisch de scans van mammografieën lezen, waardoor screening veel efficiënter en sneller wordt.
TU Delft – Meet our alumni – Judith: Innovation manager at Hoogheemraadschap Delft
Judith Kaspersma, TU Delft's alumni, works as an innovation manager at the Hoogheemraadschap Delft. After graduating from TU Delft, she started her job and found it very interesting to experience innovation on all levels within an organization. Her advice is that if you do not necessarily aspire an academic career, first start working and then investigate what opportunities are out there.
TU Delft - Meet our alumni - Jasper Dijkstra: from PhD to research advisor at Deltares
Jasper talks about how growing up in Zeeland and playing around the port motivated him to choose his current career path. He throws a light on his research work concerning the use of natural resources like seagrass to study its impact on the environment and the ports. Finally, he also compares his research work during the PhD and the more solution focussed consulting work he currently does as an advisor at Deltares.
TU Delft – Meet our alumni – Wido: Faculty of Architecture & the Built Environment
Wido is currently doing research and teaching activities at the faculty of architecture. He shares his childhood experiences with wood-working and crafting, and how it inspired him to choose a career in architecture. He also reflects on the importance of writing an academic research in English as compared to any other language and talks about the focus of architectural research in TU Delft which is more applied than just being fundamental.
TU Delft - Meet our alumni - Shi Wei: from PhD to Area Manager at Royal IHC
Shi works as the Area Manager China at Royal IHC. He talks about the importance of theoretical knowledge you gain in a university and how does it reflect in your work at an industry. He also talks about how he made a decision to go for a PhD at TU Delft and how it helped him to live his childhood dream of making a good career in the commercial sector..
TU Delft – Meet our alumna – Raha Badinrad: Delivery Team Lead at Shell
Raha currently works as the Delivery Team Lead at Shell. She talks about her career journey, which involved a lot of ups and downs. Raha shares her story of how she kept herself motivated in some tough times and how she kept educating herself to remain on top of her field of work. She believes that life is a function of decisions and not conditions, and talks about how it helped her in shaping as a successful professional.