The SUTQ pilot group has successfully completed the program!

Over the past 10 months, eight senior educators have diligently worked on their authentic educational challenges, striving to make a impact on student learning. After final interviews with the assessment committees, each of them received a well-deserved "pass" and proudly accepted their certificates from Rob Mugge and Franca Jonquire. 

These educators are more motivated and enthusiastic than ever to continue advancing their projects, fostering innovation, and inspiring others in the educational community. 

To learn more about the pioneering efforts of the SUTQ participants and their remarkable projects, click here SUTQ Educators (

Teaching and Learning Services is excited to announce that the first official SUTQ group, consisting of 15 lecturers, will kick off on September 10th. Stay tuned for more updates on their projects and the challenges they will tackle! 

If you're interested in joining next year's SUTQ or want to explore more about the program, sign up today! Senior University Teaching Qualification (