Teaching Lab

The Teaching Lab is the physical home of the Teaching Academy: the network for and by lecturers at the TU Delft.

It is a dedicated space with special rooms for all TU Delft lecturers to connect, to share developments and innovation in education, to experiment with educational practices, and to spotlight lecturers.

The Teaching Academy Facilitation Team (TAFT) is present in the Teaching Lab to assist you.

FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions

How to reach the
Teaching Lab

✉️ Email

📞 Phone 
+31 6 422 849 32​​​​​​​

📌 Navigation Address Teaching Lab
Landbergstraat 15 | 2628CE Delft

🚘 Parking Address (P1 Aula)
Van der Waalsweg | 2628CH Delft

📬 Postal Address 
Landbergstraat 19 | 2628CE Delft

Opening Hours Teaching Lab

Monday to Friday