Anchor Links Example


FeedbackFruits offers tools that enable you to make interactive content, give instant feedback to students both during and after lectures, and allows students to discuss and share course material. Developed by TU Delft students, this tool is ideal for engaging your students with the course content, making them actively involved in discussions and feedback. Feedbackfruits is integrated with Brightspace Grades and Brightspace Groups are synchronised into Feedbackfruits for ease of use.

How to add FeedbackFruits to your course

  1. Go to your course.
  2. Go to the Content tab.
  3. Click on Existing Activities.
  4. Choose FeedbackFruits from the list of tools available.

Further instructions on how to link the necessary tools to your course can be found on our Manage Content page.

When setting up your course, make sure to read the FeedbackFruits support website. They give detailed information on how to set up the tool and choices you need to make to properly set up the chosen tool. Take the following into account:

  • After changing users and groups in Brightspace, make sure to open the FeedbackFruits tool again, so groups can be synchronised properly.
  • Preferably, don’t make changes to groups that are in active Feedbackfruits assignments. If you do need to make changes, make sure the end result is what you intended, i.e. make sure to check the grades properly.
  • If you make changes to an assignment or to results, make sure the correct grades are published to Brightspace. Republish the grades after making changes in Brightspace.
  • The FeedbackFruits support page has many really good support articles. We advise you to check their site and read the articles about the tools you are setting up. Two specific articles you should not miss:
  • When you create a FeedbackFruits activity in Brightspace, but do not manually add a grade item within Brightspace, a separate grade item is created automatically the moment a Feedbackfruits grade is published to Brightspace.
  • Making changes to groups or grades after the deadline can really mess up the results. Make sure the automatic behaviour is what you want (changes after the deadline are not automatically passed on to Brightspace).

FeedbackFruits Tools

Anchor Links Example