Ans is the standard assessment tool for the entire TU Delft.
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For a comparison between the assessment tools that are used at TU Delft, click here.
Two Ans Courses: which is for which
Two Ans courses can be created for each course in the study guide.
This Course is meant for written or digital exams that are scheduled by Exam Support.
- Digital exams: Exam Support will take care of the setting of the exam and give students access to the exam based on their registration for the exam, and on whether they are entitled to extra time.
- Print & scan exams: Exam Support will also facilitate the process of printing and scanning the exam, as you can read here.
This Course is meant for Assignments of a formative nature, e.g. homework Assignments. You can link from Brightspace to specific Assignments in your Ans Brightspace Course. Scores/Marks from Ans can be pushed to Brightspace Gradebook when Assignments are linked. How you link Assignments to Brightspace is explained on this page.
When to use Ans
It can be used for the following assessments:
Printed exams that are graded online. Students can review the graded exams online as well. Please use the Ans "EXAM” Course.
Students take a digital exam in a secure testing environment. Please use the Ans “EXAM” Course.
Homework Assignments that have a formative nature (i.e. that do not influence the course grade). Please use the Ans "BRIGHTSPACE” Course.
This option is only available if nothing else is possible, and only after approval of the appropriate board of examiners. Remote (online) exams during which a student is online proctored via their webcam and via screen sharing. Currently only used for students with special needs due to, e.g., functional disabilities or temporary residence abroad due to top sport status.