Subsidies and Sponsors

TU Delft provides resources for ambitious students or organisations to reach their objectives. Here you can find a list of options for funding your event and different kinds of subsidies of the TU Delft!

Grant Regulation for Student Activities TU Delft
For financial support for culturally and socially educational activities that are organized for and by students, including some sports activities.

Facilities Regulation for Student Organizations TU Delft
Structural financial support for established student support organizations, covering expenses such as rent, telephone and photocopying charges.

University sponsorship
Sponsorship in the form of financial support, in which advertising in the regional and national press is a requirement.

Funding Ambitious Students TU Delft (FAST)
FAST focuses on supporting students in realising their ambitions. FAST is here to answer your questions about grant possibilities, provide fundraising advice and to hook you up with the right connections!

Student Community Fund
The Student Community Fund is to support different organizations' impact on TU Delft students' well-being. The Student Community has set up a fund (as a follow-up to the NPO budget), which will be open until December 2024. 

StudentHub Fund
This fund has its origins in the corona times, when it strived to address academic, social and mental wellbeing challenges of students during the pandemic.

D&I Grant
The D&I Grant allows TU Delft students and student organisations to apply for funding for initiatives that help improve diversity, equity and inclusion within the university.