
  • You must be enrolled as a TU Delft BSc /MSc student or employed as a PhD.
  • You are not participating in joint or exchange programmes with foreign universities. Exchange students can apply for a SEMP grant.
  • At least 50 percent of the research project to be carried out must be recognized by the Board of Examiners as a component of your TU Delft BSc/MSc programme.
  • Your research project will be full-time and on-site.
  • The duration of stay will be 91 days to 6 months.
  • Your research stay must be organised with your TU Delft supervisor, and together you need to define a project and find the most suitable partner, with consideration to existing contacts and cooperation within the IDEA League. The TU Delft supervisor should be the one to make contact with the academic at the chosen IDEA League partner university.
  • You must be able to travel to the host according to the travel advice of the Dutch government – Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
  • You must register your stay abroad in Osiris – study abroad (Buitenland). This provides free TUD travel insurance and ensures we can contact you in the event of an emergency.
  • Read the disclaimer before your departure.