Walk-in hours

During the months July and August 2024, the walk-in hours are changed, see this overview:

Inloopspreekuur summer


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday between 12:45 and 13:45 o’clock at Education and Student Affairs (Building 30a). You are welcome to come and meet one of the psychologists for a short meeting of about 10 minutes. You can go to the frontdesk and receive a form to fill in. You can take place in the waiting room and one of the psychologists will pick you up there.

Do you prefer to have a short talk to the psychologist online? Please send an e-mail to: psychologen@tudelft.nl. State your name, student number (for PhDs employee number), date of birth and telephone number in the e-mail and add this consent form.

Student counsellors / Horizon

Our office hours are online via Teams, where we can help you with short personal, financial and legal questions related to your study. You are expected to register in advance. Click here before 11:00 AM to select a time slot. After 11.00 AM please select a time slot for the next day. The meeting will always use your student account of the TU Delft. After you’ve selected a time slot you’ll receive the link for this online meeting from the central student counsellor, who will have this conversation with you, on your student account. If you prefer a meeting on campus, please send a message to centralcounsellors@tudelft.nl.

Career Centre

Check in advance: the tips and tricks for CV and motivation letters in our online toolkit.

Schedule for summer 2024 (1 July - 31 August):
          Wednesday and Friday

For the online walk-in hour, click here to choose your own time slot for an online CV/Motivation letter/LinkedIn tips. Select in the dropdown menu ‘ CV check/letter/LinkedIn’ to see the available time slots.
The consent form can also be found here and the necessary documents can be uploaded when you make an appointment.

Schedule from 1 September onwards:
          Monday        Live Café X                       12:45 till 13:45 No appointment needed, please bring a printed copy.
          Tuesday       Live Aula central Hall        12:45 till 13:45 No appointment needed, please bring a printed copy.
          Thursday      Live Café X                       12:45 till 13:45 No appointment needed, please bring a printed copy.
          Wednesday and Friday

For the online walk-in hour, click here to choose your own time slot for an online CV/Motivation letter/LinkedIn tips. Select in the dropdown menu ‘ CV check/letter/LinkedIn’ to see the available time slots.
The consent form can also be found here and the necessary documents can be uploaded when you make an appointment.


Making Study Choices

At different times during the week you can schedule a short ONLINE appointment yourself via the online appointment tool.
Prefer a conversation on campus? Send an email with an explanation to studiekeuze@tudelft.nl.

Career counsellors

The TU Delft Career Centre can help you make your job search more effective by giving you feedback on your CV, motivation letter and LinkedIn profile.


Horizon: platform for studying with a disability or other special needs. Indicate whether you want to meet with a student counsellor or a student assistant.

Time: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:45-1:45pm

Study Choice advisors

During the (online) Studie Choice walk-in hours, you can ask short questions about how to proceed in changing your study direction, if you are uncertain which workshop to choose, or if you are in doubt about continuing you studies. If necessary, a follow-up appointment can be made.

Student counselors

Your initial point of contact for questions and issues regarding our study will always be your faculty's academic counsellor. Your academic counsellor can refer your to the central student counsellors. 

Time: Monday till Thursday 12:45-13:45


During the walk-in hours you can ask short questions. You will receive brief advice to help you on your way. 

Time: Monday till Friday 12:45-13:45