
35962 results

Pepijn Kooij

Pepijn Kooij

Pepijn Kooij "I work at a team that focuses on creating programmes on all kinds of topics such as politics, health, culture or…

Bertram Treling

Bertram Treling

Bertram Treling "I take a step forward where others take a step back. Treating people, calming them down, giving pain relief and creating…

Jacqueline Klaver

Jacqueline Klaver

Jacqueline Klaver "One of the things that sticks with me is to be open to learn from as many people as possible. It just so happens that…

Antony Valiaveetil

Antony Valiaveetil

Antony Valiaveetil "My main vision on studying at the TU Delft was to ensure I invested in the overall development of my life. This includes…

Jos Tóth

Jos Tóth

Jos Tóth "Running creates a social embedding so that students not only study hard but also have a good time together.⁠⁠" Running... a…

Willem Tuyn

Willem Tuyn

Willem Tuyn "Exercise is not only good for your body, but also for your head." I have been working..., what is now called, X since…