
In March 2024 TU Delft has presented a new Institutional Plan for the coming period, the Strategic Agenda 2024-2030. Its subtitle – Impact for a Sustainable Society – epitomises our university's societal focus and you will quickly see it as a common thread throughout this strategy plan.

The plan aims to broadly set the organisation's course, like a compass, and is therefore limited to the “why” and “what” questions. To that end, the Strategic Agenda 2024-2030 presents a selection of priorities and, within those priorities, sheds light on a number of strategic initiatives that will be worked out in more detail in sub-plans over the coming period. These priorities and initiatives serve to keep the TU Delft ecosystem alive and relevant for the long term, in context of an uncertain and rapidly changing external environment.

This institutional plan provides a synthesis of ongoing talks regarding the future direction of the organisation since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. It builds on the course that is charted in TU Delft's Strategic Priorities 2022-2024, and integrates the outcomes of more recent strategic discussions. One telling example is the broad discussion currently taking place on how TU Delft can contribute even more to answering the growing societal demand for technically educated people in order to realise the urgent societal transitions. Another illustration is the important role that alliances and partnerships, such as Convergence, Leiden-Delft-Erasmus (LDE) and 4TU.Federation, play in the future of TU Delft. A third example is the essential function of data and digitalisation for the entire university; not just today, but also well into the future.

In the latter half of 2023, a broad spectrum of internal stakeholders was asked whether they identify and agree with the outlined course for the coming years. A lot of this input has found its way into the final version of the institutional plan.

This institutional plan can therefore largely be seen as the result of many university-wide reflections, discussions and consultations over the last three years.

To read the Strategic Agenda 2024-2030, click for Dutch or English.


For answers to frequently asked questions about the institutional plan, click here.
For other strategy documents at TU Delft, click here