Jacqueline Klaver

"One of the things that sticks with me is to be open to learn from as many people as possible. It just so happens that someone has that golden advise for you. ⁠⁠"

How I got...

...to 173kg squats, 75kg benchs, 190kg deads? I trained hard for this and also got great coaching. My coach has always tried to help to achieve my potential and created the right training programme for me.⁠

In the past...

...I have found it difficult to combine studying and being an elite powerlifting athlete during exam periods. In the beginning I also played field hockey, but sometimes it was too much. Over time I have learned that I perform best when I am doing two things at the same time. Now that is graduating and preparing for my next game. ⁠

I am a member...

...of the strength sports association IJzersterk, they train at X and they are the reason I signed up for my first powerlift competition. I learned an awful lot from them about technique and performance. One of the things that sticks with me is to be open to learn from as many people as possible. It just so happens that someone has that golden advise for you. ⁠

Together with...

...my friend/coach I bought some training materials so I could train at home during the lockdown period. This was still not optimal, for example I could not deadlift because then I was afraid to fall through the old wooden floor and end up with the downstairs neighbors. So we had to be creative in my training program and still get the best out of each workout.⁠

The Western European Championships...

...will be held at the beginning of September and I will be taking part in them. The goal is to grow as much as possible until then and to make sure I am the best version of myself on competition day. Besides a good performance, I also want to qualify for the EC there. I like to win, that gives me a lot of energy. I know that I have worked hard for it. And when it all goes well at the competition I feel super confident and unbeatable!

Over time I have learned that I perform best when I am doing two things at the same time.

Jacqueline Klaver

Master Student Mechanical Engineering; Elite Powerlifting Athlete

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