
Prepared for the energy transition

Dive into the world of sustainable energy innovation with us! In the midst of a rapidly changing climate, we, as a society, face complex energy challenges. How do we accelerate the energy transition? How do we create a stable and affordable energy system? But also: how do we make hard-to-abate sectors such as industry and heavy mobility more sustainable? Are you looking for green alternatives for your organization or do you simply want to save costs through energy efficiency? Together with you we look for innovative solutions for a cleaner and affordable future.


We focus on various areas to develop a wide range of innovative solutions.

Grid Congestion

The power grid is under pressure due to the increasing use of renewable energy sources.


Renewable energy sources are fair and sustainable, but some alternatives are still very expensive.


Green energy such as solar and wind power are considered environmentally friendly, but the realization of renewable energy sources also brings challenges.


The pursuit of a sustainable energy future requires several circularity challenges.

Team Energy

We are always open to introductions and new partnerships that drive innovation and progress.

Peter Lucas

Business Development Manager Energy Transition

Maaike Damen

Program Manager Climate & Energy

Prof.dr. P. (Peter) Palensky

Director Delft Energy Initiative

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