
217 results

24 January 2024

Henri is moving!

Henri is moving!

Henri Baudet was known for his keen eye for quirky artifacts and timeless treasures. His objects are stored as part of the ‘Henri Baudet Institute’, operating out of the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (TU Delft), for private viewing. But now, you can also discover the collection through the eyes of TU Delft ‘Spaces of Display’ minor students.

23 January 2024

Interview with Judith Rietjens: "We need to cherish the conversation again”

Interview with Judith Rietjens: "We need to cherish the conversation again”

Judith Rietjens is a Professor of Design for Public Health at the TU Delft | Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering and Erasmus MC’s department of Public Health. On 26 January, she will give her inaugural lecture at the TU Delft Aula. What was it that sparked her line of research? Why did she join the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE)? How does she see the evolution of the healthcare system? Find out in this interview.

23 January 2024

New website helps make eHealth tools usable for all

New website helps make eHealth tools usable for all

eHealth tools can offer a solution to the glaring shortage of healthcare personnel. But not everyone has the technical skills to get started with these tools. That is why PhD candidates Jasper Faber and Isra Al-Dhahir have developed a website for eHealth tool developers to get practical information on building such a tool, with the aim of closing the growing health gap. "Think practical tips, do's and don'ts."

11 January 2024

How living materials from algae can best capture carbon

How living materials from algae can best capture carbon

Scientists from TU Delft have found how confined microalgal cells grow optimally in photosynthetic engineered living materials. With the use of light energy, the microalgae convert CO2 from the air into sugars, energy and oxygen for their survival. Such algae-based living materials could be used in a range of applications, from functional objects for CO2 capture, to oxygen sources for biological tissues. The team, led by Marie-Eve Aubin-Tam and Kunal Masania, present their new insights in Advanced Materials.

10 January 2024

IDE researchers secure Resilient Delta kick-starter grants

IDE researchers secure Resilient Delta kick-starter grants

Several projects being led by or involving IDE researchers have secured kick-starter grants from the Convergence’s Resilient Delta Initiative.

10 January 2024

IDE in the media (Week 2 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 2 2024)

IDE in the media (Week 2 2024)

09 January 2024

A systematic approach to personalised design

A systematic approach to personalised design

Personalised products like medical devices or safety shoes offer numerous benefits, but there are challenges when it comes to designing them. Current methods often include manual or semi-automated steps, making it tedious and time consuming. For his PhD, Farzam Tajdari developed new methods of pattern recognition, created an optimised 4D scanning device, and produced a novel 4D data set in the process, showing there is a better way to do personalised design.

21 December 2023

IDE in the media (Week 51 2023)

IDE in the media (Week 51 2023)

21 December 2023

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 51 2023)

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 51 2023)

IDE researchers have been hard at work getting their research published. This week’s highlights include a review article by PhD candidate Zhuochao Peng, professor Pieter Desmet, and assistant professor Haian Xue that provides a comprehensive overview of the field of mood-focused design.

14 December 2023

Launch of handbook on social contagion in energy transition

Launch of handbook on social contagion in energy transition

How can we ensure that everyone feels involved in the energy transition? Who inspires whom? And what is inspiring? IDE researchers Jotte de Koning and Sonja van Dam, together with University of Utrecht, have developed a practical handbook on how to develop your own social contagion strategy to make the energy transition really resonate with people.

07 December 2023

Students from Advanced Prototyping minor explore personalised fit designs

Students from Advanced Prototyping minor explore personalised fit designs

Imagine having a product that is personalised to you, your body, and your preferences. Wouldn’t it be nice to explore the countryside on a comfortable racing bike or glide across the water while seated in a comfortable rowing boat? How about being able to effortlessly carry a skateboard on your back using a convenient back carrier? Or, in case of an injury, picture having a perfectly fitted, comfortable brace, or set of crutches that are more user-friendly.

07 December 2023

IDE students showcase health design project at UN Climate Change Conference

IDE students showcase health design project at UN Climate Change Conference

A team of five IPD MSc students was selected to present their project, KUKUA, at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai. They developed a diagnostic device which detects early malnutrition of children in rural areas in East Africa.

07 December 2023

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 49 2023)

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 49 2023)

IDE researchers have been hard at work getting their research published. This week’s highlights include a paper by PhD candidate Evert van Beek, Professor Elisa Giaccardi, Assistant Professor Stella Boess, and Professor Alessandro Bozzon.

07 December 2023

IDE in the media (Week 49 2023)

IDE in the media (Week 49 2023)

IDE in the media (Week 49 2023)

01 December 2023

How to make a bike helmet desirable

How to make a bike helmet desirable

How do we make bike helmets desirable among Dutch cyclists? Remco Bosch found a solution. "The safety argument doesn't work here, we already feel safe on our bikes," he says. For his graduation project, Remco looked at the needs and values of cyclists. That’s when he discovered that framing helmets as a lifestyle choice, not just a safety precaution could make the difference.

23 November 2023

Karlheinz Samenjo & JC Diehl winner of Mekel Prize 2023

Karlheinz Samenjo & JC Diehl winner of Mekel Prize 2023

22 November 2023

Successful launch of whitepaper “Repair in the Circular Economy”

Successful launch of whitepaper “Repair in the Circular Economy”

We look back on a successful launch of the white paper “Repair in the Circular Economy”, which took place on 13 November. One hundred and twenty scientists, entrepreneurs, policymakers, administrators, students, and people from repair cafes joined the conversation.

22 November 2023

Collaboration between Braun Frankfurt, TU Delft, and Politecnico di Milano

Collaboration between Braun Frankfurt, TU Delft, and Politecnico di Milano

On 10 November, 17 students from the IDE MSc course Advanced Concept Design and 20 students from Politecnico di Milano presented their work on 'The Future of Cooking' at the Braun office in Frankfurt.

20 November 2023

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 47 2023)

IDE Publication Highlights (Week 47 2023)

IDE researchers have been hard at work getting their research published. This week’s highlights include a paper by Professor Elvin Karana, alumni Vivian Dorien, and former postdoctoral researcher Srikkanth Balasumramanian.

20 November 2023

Two new Medical Delta professors at IDE

Two new Medical Delta professors at IDE

On 14 November, a new group of Medical Delta professors and lecturers were inaugurated. Professor Diehl (TU Delft, Erasmus MC) and Professor Atsma (LUMC, TU Delft) were among the nine Medical Delta professors inaugurated.

09 November 2023

Robotics professor, David Abbink to join forces with IDE

Robotics professor, David Abbink to join forces with IDE

Prof. David Abbink to help strengthen collaboration between 3mE and IDE -- On 1 November 2023, the TU Delft | Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) welcomes a new colleague to its research and education communities – Professor in Haptic Human-Robot Interaction, David Abbink.

09 November 2023



At the end of October an IDE dream came true. After many months of preparation, the faculty’s first standalone exhibition at Dutch Design Week opened its doors to the public. Didn’t get the chance to visit? Read on for highlights from the nine days.

09 November 2023

Interactive Environments Minor – “IDE Airport”

Interactive Environments Minor – “IDE Airport”

How can we use interactive environment to spark lateral thinking in transdisciplinary design?

09 November 2023

Bubble Games researchers take home Lamp and Lovie awards

Bubble Games researchers take home Lamp and Lovie awards

The research team behind the Bubble Games have been hard at work, planning their next move and celebrating the wins along the way.

08 November 2023

Convergence Grant to study impact of automation on Port of Rotterdam’s workforce

Convergence Grant to study impact of automation on Port of Rotterdam’s workforce

The consortium, in which PhD candidate Soyeon Kim is member of, has been awarded a Convergence Kick-Starter Grant from Resilient Delta. The grant, worth €32,813, will allow them to continue pursuing their project, ‘Inequality and Automation at the Port of Rotterdam: Exploring Work-time Reduction as a Path to Just Resilience’.

08 November 2023

DECODE Network launches brand new podcast: DECODE Conversations

DECODE Network launches brand new podcast: DECODE Conversations

DECODE has just launched its very own podcast series, “DECODE Conversations”. The series looks at rethinking design for our digital future. The first two episodes are already out and focus on acts of interfacing and principled algorithm design. They will be releasing a new episode every two weeks until December.

08 November 2023

IDE in the media (Week 45 2023)

IDE in the media (Week 45 2023)

02 November 2023

Prof. Alessandro Bozzon appointed fellow of Netherlands Academy of Engineering (NAE)

Prof. Alessandro Bozzon appointed fellow of Netherlands Academy of Engineering  (NAE)

TU Delft | Industrial Design Engineering’s Professor of Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, Alessandro Bozzon, has been appointed as a fellow of the Netherlands Academy of Engineering (NAE).

25 October 2023

IDE in the media (Week 43 2023)

IDE in the media (Week 43 2023)

25 October 2023

IDE nominee for TU Delft Educator of the Year 2023

IDE nominee for TU Delft Educator of the Year 2023

On Thursday 9 November it’s Education Day at the TU Delft. The day includes a packed programme of talks, sessions, and of course the award ceremony for TU Delft Educator of the Year 2023. This year’s IDE nominee is Caroline Kroon. Congratulations Caroline.

16 October 2023

A new home for the Black-backed Gull

A new home for the Black-backed Gull

The complicated relationship between humans and gulls is resulting in a declining gull population. A major cause is the disappearing wasteland in the port of Rotterdam, home to the bird. IDE student Joanna van der Leun designed a nest for the gulls which can be installed on the roof of harbour sheds. This protects them from weather and foes, and keeps them away from the city.

11 October 2023

Disassembly: Essential to repair

Disassembly: Essential to repair

Legislation can stimulate repair. But screws hidden so deeply in a product that they are nearly inaccessible are a repair nightmare. Bas Flipsen encourages circular product design by developing tools for designers and engineers.

11 October 2023

TU Delft students and researchers show how they see the future during Dutch Design Week

TU Delft students and researchers show how they see the future during Dutch Design Week

During Dutch Design Week, you can discover 8 interactive installations in the basement of Area 51 in Eindhoven. The installations were designed by Delft students and researchers. Caspar Chorus, dean of the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering: " For the first time, TU Delft has its own exhibition at Dutch Design Week. You will find some of the coolest projects which our designers created this year."

10 October 2023

Europe needs broader approach in ‘Right to Repair’ legislation

Europe needs broader approach in ‘Right to Repair’ legislation

White paper from 4 Dutch knowledge institutions shows chances & pitfalls in 'repair' laws

10 October 2023

IDE Publication Highlights Week 41

IDE Publication Highlights Week 41

IDE researchers have been hard at work getting their research published. This week’s highlights include [...]