
TU Delft | Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering (IDE) is a world leader in design research and education. Using cutting edge design tools and methods (many developed in-house), we integrate knowledge about people, technology and organisations, to design, prototype and test solutions. Whether it takes the form of a product, an interaction, a service or a strategy, our aim is to make a tangible impact on society.

By working closely with companies, institutes, NGOs, and other academic institutions we forge long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships that can address the complex challenges facing society in the coming decades.

Ways to Collaborate with Us

Collaboration is key

  • By joining forces with businesses, academic institutions, NGOs and our alumni, we bring together different perspectives and expertise to solve our society's most complex problems through design.
  • By collaborating, you will be introduced to our leading design methodologies and tools, gain unique perspectives on challenges, and be immersed in a diverse network of design talent, academic and industry partners.
  • Together, we extend our reach and accelerate positive change, leaving a lasting impact on our society.

Facts and Figures

Number of business partners we collaborate with each year
Number of academic institutes, national and international we collaborate with
societal research areas: health, sustainability, mobility, digital, and inclusivity
design researchers
students following our BSc and MSc programmes
Top ranking design faculty of a technical university*
*QS Art & Design Ranking 2023, ranked 13. More details on rankings can be found here.