Academic Collaborations

As a leading academic institute in the field of design, we collaborate with academic partners around the world to push the boundaries of design. Through these collaborations we aim to advance the academic rigour of our discipline, establish new key enabling design methods and tools, and enrich the educational experience of our students, preparing them to meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world. With partnerships spanning over 60 universities worldwide, we are committed to creating a dynamic and interconnected academic design community.

Research Collaborations

At TU Delft IDE, we collaborate with leading academic institutes to enhance design research and advance our field and discipline. Our collaborations focus on developing knowledge and pioneering new design tools and methods; applying this knowledge to established areas such as healthcare, mobility, sustainability and AI. As an academic institute, we actively participate in larger research consortia for funding opportunities such as Horizon Europe and NWO, and jointly submit academic papers with researchers around the world. We are continuously looking for academic partners to join these consortia or mutually apply for funding. Contact or explore our team of researchers here

Educational Collaborations 

Educational partnerships with other universities play a crucial role at TU Delft IDE, enriching our academic community and enhancing the learning experience for our students.

By partnering with over 60 universities worldwide, our students not only gain international perspectives, immerse themselves in different cultures and acquire new design skills, but they also strengthen the global network of design professionals.

Interested in becoming a partner university? Contact us to explore exchange opportunities and join our network of partner universities.