Design Roadmapping

IDE Design Master Class for Professionals

Strategic designing for long term foresight

Organizations increasingly realize that single solutions and short-term efforts no longer fit with the growing awareness of collective concerns in society. Designing foresights and innovation strategies that thrive on long term values becomes vital. This Master Class teaches the essentials of design roadmapping, including uncovering new trends, scouting for new technologies, and mapping long term values.


For professionals who would like to take a more strategic role in the organization, this two-day training delves into the creative challenges of for example future visioning and designing time horizons. Besides frameworks and concepts from the latest research results, DIY exercises and examples from the experience of strategic designers are part of the master class. Participants will learn how to use the models and methods of design roadmapping to impact strategic decision-making and create cross-functional support for long term innovation strategies.

Learning Objectives

During this master class, you will learn:

  • how to map and pace an innovation strategy;
  • create a future vision;
  • synchronize evolutions and resource constraints.


  • 3-diamond process of design roadmapping ;
    • Value mapping by creative trend research and future visioning
    • Time pacing and Idea mapping
    • Pathway mapping and visualizing a roadmap
  • Cases and examples of roadmapping practices in use.
  • Concept and frameworks of design roadmapping.



9:00 Registration and Welcome drinks
9:30 Introduction and overview
Overview of the master class, aims and structure, expectations and background of the participants.
10:00 Lecture - Introducing Design roadmapping
Overview of the origin, evolution and main models of design roadmapping in theory and practice.
10:45 Break
11:00 Case study by guest speaker - Design roadmapping
Best practice case in strategic designing a roadmap – a complete process story. Discussion of the main insights to participants’ own practice.
12:30 Lunch

at the Porceleyne Fles

Mapping a future vision grounded on creative trend research

13:30 Lecture and Lab exercise - Creative Trend research
Uncovering user value drivers at the top of a design roadmap. Lab exercise: Trend Topics technique for practicing the application of creative trend research.
15:15 Break
15:30 Lecture and Lab exercises - Future Visioning
Overview of principles and guidelines in mapping a future vision. Lab exercise: Expression on a desirable future for practicing future visioning.
16:45 Wrap-up and conclusive thoughts
17:30 End of the first day

Mapping time horizons and decide on the time pacing

9:30 Lecture and Lab exercise - Time pacing strategy
Overview of main models, principles and guidelines for a time pacing strategy at the core of design roadmapping. Lab exercise: Map design clocks.
10:45 Break
11:0 Lecture and Case studies - Technology Scouting and Idea mapping
Lecture and video cases on establishing a modular architecture for technology scouting. Discussion of the main insights to participants’ own practice.
12:30 Lunch

at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering

Mapping value propositions and decide on pathways

13:30 Case study by guest speaker - Mapping value propositions
Best practice of digital service roadmapping incl. business model designs. Discussion of the main insights to participants’ own practice.
15:00 Break
15:15 Lab exercise - Visualizing and setting up your own roadmapping project
Introduction of visualizing a roadmap as guiding framework for setting up the mapping sessions. Lab exercise: Create your roadmap template / critical mapping session’s process.
16:30 Wrap-up and conclusive thoughts
17:00 Drinks and closing

How to prepare
Preparation for this master class includes preparing a personal introduction and bringing a relevant design challenge from your own practice to class. Instructions will be send about one week before the workshop. The preparation will take approximately two hours.

All participants receive a copy of Simonse’s book ‘Design roadmapping: guidebook for future foresight techniques’ (2018 |BISPublishers).

After the course
Two months after the course, a pre-set consultation timeslot will be offered to all participants to share experiences and ask questions to the IDE Master Class. The format and the timing will be discussed with the participants during the IDE Master Class.