News & Events


04 oktober 2024

Book Launch with Dr. Adam Henschke

Book Launch with Dr. Adam Henschke

What does the concept of just war mean in intelligence? Also, what is the effect of the use of new and emerging technologies such as face recognition? And what is the impact of (dis)information in information warfare? Dr. Adam Henschke visited TU Delft | Campus The Hague to launch 'Ethics of National Security Intelligence Institutions‘ and 'Cognitive Warfare: Grey Matters In The Ethics Of Information Conflict.'

12 september 2024

Ethisch Experimenteren in de echte wereld – Een samenwerking tussen de Provincie Zuid-Holland (PZH) en de TU Delft

Ethisch Experimenteren in de echte wereld – Een samenwerking tussen de Provincie Zuid-Holland (PZH) en de TU Delft

Publieke en private instellingen testen nieuwe digitale technologieën binnen de samenleving onder levensechte omstandigheden. Denk aan generatieve AI, voorspellende algoritmen bij de politie en zelfrijdende auto's.

05 september 2024

Michael Klenk en Giacomo Marangoni ontvangen ERC Starting Grant

Michael Klenk en Giacomo Marangoni ontvangen ERC Starting Grant

De European Research Council (ERC) heeft de ERC Starting Grants voor jonge onderzoekers bekend gemaakt. Deze Europese subsidie van €1,5 miljoen euro voor een onderzoeksprogramma van vijf jaar is bedoeld om individuele wetenschappers in staat te stellen hun eigen teams op te bouwen en innovatieve projecten te realiseren. TBM onderzoekers Michael Klenk en Giacomo Marangoni hebben de ERC Starting Grant ontvangen voor hun baanbrekende onderzoek.

18 juli 2024

‘Human Freedom in the Age of AI’ – recently published – has officially been launched!

‘Human Freedom in the Age of AI’ – recently published – has officially been launched!

How can we best conceptualize the impact of AI systems on Human Freedom? How can we design AI systems that promote, rather than harm, human freedom? These are the two main questions tackled in ‘Human Freedom in the Age of AI’.

04 juni 2024

Responsible Use of Generative AI in Government

Responsible Use of Generative AI in Government

The "Responsible Use of Generative AI in Government" event took place on Thursday, May 23, 2024, in The Hague, South Holland. It brought together industry leaders to discuss the impact of Generative AI on governmental operations and policies. Hosted by Microsoft, Strategic Supplier Management, Google Cloud, and AWS Rijk, the event focused on exploring responsible GenAI integration in public sector processes and considering its ethical and regulatory implications.