‘Human Freedom in the Age of AI’ – recently published – has officially been launched!

Nieuws - 18 juli 2024 - Webredactie

How can we best conceptualize the impact of AI systems on Human Freedom? How can we design AI systems that promote, rather than harm, human freedom? These are the two main questions tackled in ‘Human Freedom in the Age of AI’.

In below video you can watch the presentation of the book and the topics the book covers by the author Filippo Santoni de Sio, Associate professor in Ethics and Philosophy of Technology at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management. The video also includes a discussion of (parts of) the book by experts in the ethics and politics of AI: Cristina Zaga (Assistant professor of the Human-Centred Design group and DesignLab at the University of Twente) and Ugur Aytac (Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies at Utrecht University).

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Time breakdown:

  • 0h00 – 0h02: introduction,
  • 2h15 – 0h34: presentation by Filippo Santoni de Sio,
  • 0h34 – 1h03: Presentation by Cristina Zaga,
  • 1h03 – 1h24: Presentation by Ugur Aytac,
  • 1h24 – end: Discussion and closure.