Minister of OCW visits Green Intensive Care Room

Nieuws - 14 oktober 2021 - Communication

On Monday, 11 October the Minister of Culture, Science and Education Ingrid van Engelshoven visited the Green Intensive Care Room at Convergence Square (located in Erasmus MC).

During her extensive tour of the facility, IDE Associate Professor JC Diehl, alongside Prof. Diederik Gommers and Dr. Nicole Hunfeld of Erasmus MC, presented their work and findings to her. They explained that (on average) seven bags of waste per patient, per day are being produced at the Intensive Care Unit and that this has been the starting point for the Erasmus MC – IDE team. With this information, they have established the Green Intensive Care Room and have begun to map out and understand the waste streams, as well as develop new and more circular alternative product (service) systems.

IDE graduate students Lisanne van den Berg, Alicia Ville and Margot Honkoop presented their projects on gloves, syringes, and intubation to Minister van Engelshoven in the Green Room.

During her visit, the Minister emphasised that it is crucial that various scientific disciplines work together, like at the Convergence Square, in order to tackle societal challenges like the environmental impact of the healthcare sector.