Design Visualization

Communicating ideas in a simple and effective way

This two-day course will teach you to develop and share thoughts, ideas, and stories in a rich way by visualising them. Improve your communication with peers, management, and clients with simple and effective, though rich, visuals.
Learn from theory and various exercises in different domains how to visualise the right image for various purposes, e.g. and process sketches and roadmaps.
Takeaway: this course provides great means to start thinking and working more visually in your daily practice.

Sketches and visuals can take different forms and have different functions, depending on the design stage and related communication requirements. The variety of ways how to visualize within the domain of industrial design is extensive.


This Master Class addresses the visual exploration of strategies, sketches of objects, shapes and 3D scenes, story-telling, visual thinking, and data representation, all of which are built on a clear methodological framework.

Learning Objectives

During this master class, you will learn to:

  • how to support design thinking with visual thinking;
  • how to communicate visual information;
  • to apply different techniques, tools and materials;
  • how you can integrate visualization approaches in your daily practice.


  • the broadening field of (design) sketching
  • visual note taking: from sketching concrete things to sketching the intangible
  • Visual tactics
  • visualizing a system overview
  • sketching and visualizing a journey



9:00 Registration and Welcome
9:30 Introduction and Overview
Overview of the master class, facilitators, aims and structure, tools, expectations and background of the participants
10:00 'Warming up' exercise
Warming up exercise, speed sketches
11:00 Break

Visual note-taking, effective and rich
Visual note-taking: frome concrete to abstract

Reflection and eedback


Lecture: Introducing the broad field of design sketching and visualization
(lecture, resources, examples)

Background of the discipline, functions and forms of sketching and visualization within today’s extensive field of industrial design. The analogue and digital medium.

13:00 Lunch
at the Porceleyne Fles
14:00 Pictionary
15:00 Break

Sketching 'tactics'
Methodological tips and tricks and informative sketching for communication

Reflection and feedback

17:00 Recap, industry examples, drinks
17:30 End of the first day
9:30 Introduction day 2
Warming up exercise: 'Treasure hunt'


Of tangible shapes and abstract stories, relation and methodology

10:30 Break
11:00 Sketching a system overview
Sketching a 3d space to display systems and structures
13:00 Lunch
at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
14:00 Energize!
14:30 Bring your Case: sketching of a journey
Methodology in steps of building a visual story (problem, solution, situation). The various ways of visually telling a story: a 'theatre stage', or a 'story board', or a 'business model canvas'
15:30 Break
  Continues: Methodology of steps: text > thumbnails (elements of a virtual story) > composition > visual roadmap. Taking one step at a time.

Finalize, present

Reflection and feedback

17:00 Wrap up and conclusive thoughts
17:30 Drinks

Practical Information

How to prepare?
Materials and tools needed for the Master Class are available at the TUD. However, you’re free to bring your own daily drawing tools, and – if available – your laptop and drawing tablet.
You’re also invited to send us project information or materials you would like to discuss during the Master Class, please do so two weeks before the Master Class takes place.

All participants receive the full color Design Visualization reader at the beginning of the course. All materials provided are included in the course fee .

After the course
Two months after the course, a pre-set consultation timeslot will be offered to all participants to share experiences and ask questions to the IDE Master Class. The format and the timing will be discussed with the participants during the IDE Master Class.