In 2013, we launched the first series of IDE Master Classes. IDE Master Classes are a series of intensive two-day, state-of-the-art Master Classes developed specifically for design professionals. They are embedded within one of the world’s most forward-thinking design education programmes at TU Delft’s faculty of Industrial Design Engineering. The Master Classes are given by leaders in the design field, all of them top lecturers or alumni from the faculty of Industrial Design Engineering, working in a range of disciplines of the continuously developing design field.

The successful first series was followed by 4 equally inspiring series in 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017. All the Master Classes in each series have been well attended and evaluated extremely positively. In total, more than 250 different participants from more than 150 companies have attended the three series. Here previous topics of the Master Classes can be found. 

Service Design

Services are increasingly parts of design solutions, both in industry and in society. Design is becoming more multidisciplinary and the design approach is being applied to a wide range of problems.