02 juli 2020
During his research career, Yask Kulshreshtha has been on a quest to invent new building materials that are affordable, locally available and help to reuse organic waste materials. He has for instance developed solutions to make traditional mud houses in rural India water resistant.
18 mei 2020
While China, Europe and the United States are currently hit hard by the Corona crisis, there has been limited attention so far for the situation in low and middle-income countries (LMICs).
A low-tech ventilator, developed and built by the Project Inspiration team, has reached Guatemala where it will double the national stock of ventilators.
07 mei 2020
Op woensdag 6 mei verdedigde Tepitome 'Tope' Agbana met succes zijn thesis 'Smart Optics Against Smart Parasites' aan de TU Delft (3ME). De verdediging vond plaats in de senaatszaal van de Aula, de vier commissieleden sloten aan via Skype. Agbana's onderzoek betreft de vroegtijdige opsporing van malaria, de belangrijkste doodsoorzaak onder zwangere vrouwen en jonge kinderen: jaarlijks wordt 11% van de moeder- en 20% van de minderjarige sterfgevallen toegeschreven aan malaria.
09 april 2020
Maurits Ertsen (Water Resources) received a subsidy of 3 million euro’s from RVO for his 6-year River Basin Management-project in Indonesia. “Together with project partners BBWS Brantas, PJT 1, DLH East Java, Ecoton, and Tauw we will focus on water quality governance in the Brantas river on Java, through a public-private approach including good governance, hydrology and water quality,” says Ertsen.