
At TU Delft | Global Initiative we focus our research on pressing global challenges in the developing world with the aim to have impact and improve people’s lives. We believe that concrete solutions for worldwide problems can only be found with a multidisciplinary approach and in close cooperation and co-creation with local partners.


Our Research themes


Medical instruments, 
diagnostics and health systems


Clean drinking water, 
reuse of waste water, 
water safety and
water resource management


Solar biogas and off-grid
energy solutions

Disaster resilience and response

From warning systems to the
role of data during 
disaster relief operations


Sustainable urban development and global housing

UN – Sustainable Development Goals

In September 2015, the United Nations adopted the Sustainable Development Goals. TU Delft | Global Initiative aims to contribute to these goals.

Many of these global societal challenges are urgent for people living in low resource settings (the Global South). They face problems that can – in part – be solved by developing concrete technology-based products, concepts and services. Although the Delft Global topics do not affect richer countries with the same urgency, finding affordable solutions for these challenges is relevant worldwide.

Think of reducing health care costs in Europe by using surgery tools developed for low resource settings, or getting better climate information via the weather stations in Africa, and feeding 10 billion people by activating the world’s unused soil for agriculture, 60% of which lies in Africa.