
10 april 2019

TU Delft werkt samen met Vietnam bij opleiden waterprofessionals

TU Delft werkt samen met Vietnam bij opleiden waterprofessionals

De TU Delft gaat de komende drie jaar Vietnam ondersteunen met het opleiden van professionals op het gebied van waterbeheer. Het programma ‘Climate Proof Vietnam’ is woensdag officieel van start gegaan in de Vietnamese hoofdstad Hanoi.

09 april 2019

How to build a city in Africa

How to build a city in Africa

In the book ‘To Build a City in Africa - A History and a Manual’, the authors discuss 146 examples of those New Towns that were built between 1960 – 2018 across the African continent, and offer 10 key principles for future New Towns.

20 maart 2019

TU Delft Global Drinking Water Best Paper Award 2019

TU Delft Global Drinking Water Best Paper Award 2019

The TU Delft | Global Drinking Water programme announces its 1st edition of: TU Delft Global Drinking Water Best Paper Award 2019 Submissions welcome till April 22, 2019

17 januari 2019

Resilient dwelling clusters for urban resettlement

Resilient dwelling clusters for urban resettlement

The Global Housing Study Centre will create a living lab in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, to create resilient dwelling clusters for urban resettlement. The lab has been made possible with a € 500.000,- grant from the joint SDG research programme from NWO-WOTRO Science for Global Development.

14 januari 2019

Two TU Delft Global projects granted by NWO

In the second call of the joint SDG research programme of NWO-WOTRO Science for Global Development and Dutch co-funding research organisations two projects from TU Delft | Global Initiative were granted funding. This programme funds use-inspired research to the benefit of the most vulnerable people in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMICs).

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