
23 februari 2022

Third prize for two BK graduates in DAIDA Foundation Global Thesis award

Third prize for two BK graduates in DAIDA Foundation Global Thesis award

Two recent MSc graduated from our faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment became third in the finale of the DAIDA Foundation Global Thesis award 2021. The annual event, acknowledges master graduates who come up with ideas to improve the lives of vulnerable groups living in rapidly growing cities in the context of the Global South. Ramona Scheffer and Zhuo-ming Shia were shortlisted with their graduation work amongst 10 other nominees and ended up sharing third place.

22 februari 2022

Delft Global Student Club kick-off 8 March

Delft Global Student Club kick-off 8 March

The TU Delft | Global Initiative Student Club will officially kick off on March 8 at 15:30, at The Green Village's Co-Creation Centre. The event will be the official launch of the Delft Global Student Club, featuring Prof. dr. Rob F. Mudde as opening speaker followed by inspiring presentations of researchers and students.

19 december 2021

New Global Story: Building Pandemic Proof Cities

New Global Story: Building Pandemic Proof Cities

What makes a healthy residential neighbourhood? In recent times, this question has unsurprisingly gained relevance in both healthcare, and urban planning and design sectors. Can interdisciplinary research shed new light on the relation between housing conditions and vulnerability to pathogens such as SARS-CoV-2? Medical and architecture students from Leiden and Delft universities have made a promising start.

16 december 2021

TU Delft’s 180th anniversary: Speeding up the energy transition

TU Delft’s 180th anniversary: Speeding up the energy transition

15 november 2021

Interdisciplinary Research Workshop ‘Housing and Health’ between TU Delft | Global Initiative, LCAB and LUMC Global comes to a successful close

Interdisciplinary Research Workshop ‘Housing and Health’ between TU Delft | Global Initiative, LCAB and LUMC Global comes to a successful close

Last month we kicked off the pilot study on housing and health, set up by the TU Delft | Global Initiative, Leiden Center for Applied Bioscience (LCAB) and LUMC Global in which 6 groups, consisting of students from all institutes, joined forces to analyse the correlation between spatial conditions of residential neighbourhoods and buildings, and health. On November 10, they presented their findings and suggestions on the central theme: how do we build a pandemic proof and healthy city?

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