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Using Rubrics

Rubrics are a way to use standardized grading methods to evaluate your students. They are a great way to evaluate students when you are not using objective test items to test your students’ progress.

Objective testing is a form of assessment where there are definitive right and wrong answers. These can be graded automatically using multiple choice questions, true/false etc.

Using Rubrics standardizes grading, making results more fair and reliable. Although it does take some time to set up Rubrics for your course, you will save a lot of time in the long-run on grading and providing feedback on student performance, and you can re-use your rubrics for as long as they are relevant to your assessments. For more information on designing Rubrics see this page.

In order to use Rubrics, they will need to be linked to an activity such as an Assignment, Discussion board, etc.

When your content has been copied from a previous year, you will have to re-enable both the Competencies and Rubrics tools in the Tool menu to be able to use Rubrics in your new course.

Rubrics grading experience is also available for group assignments and discussions. Also, rubric scores will be transferred to grade items automatically.


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