
Life-coaching and personal support


MoTiv is engaged in Campus Care on behalf of TUDelft and offers services for Wellbeing, Community Building and Formation.

You can make an appointment with members of the Motiv's staff  to speak about 'life-changing events' such as: worrying family circumstances, breach of integrity (in case of undesirable behaviour) or about the impact of a serious case of illness or death in your environment. Such serious events will have an impact on your motivation and performance.

The MoTiv staff consists of trained listeners. They help you discern the deeper questions, aspirations and what truly matters to you in life among the issues that bother you. These conversations are confidential. If necessary, MoTiv will refer you to your general practitioner, specialist help, psychologists, etc.

You can also participate in a course or training. MoTiv organizes training courses for student boards that teach you to lead an association. Technology leadership as future engineers as well as the engineers’s societal role ‘are on the menu’. In addition, Motiv is a sparring partner for boards, especially in times of crisis.

For those who experience a drastic loss, MoTiv has developed a workshop of five meetings, called Living with loss, in which you learn to deal with it. Sharing your loss with others will help you and make you stronger.

MoTiv also organizes events with student organizations on themes such as motivation and inspiration (e.g. Lab for a New World), study stress and time management or leadership. There are also activities for international students: the Pizza Parlor (philosophizing over a pizza) in cooperatiom with Diss, and a Christmas lunch at people's homes in Delft.

Do you want to share something in private or anonymously? MoTiv has a Support Platform, where you get someone on the phone who will listen to you, talk to you and refer you if necessary. Available every day of the week (also on Sundays and public holidays) from 4 pm to 6 pm and from 8 pm to 10 pm on 015 200 6060 or via


MoTiv is located at Voorstraat 60, 2611JS, Delft.
for information see


The activities of MoTiv are free of charge for students and PhD’s.


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