Helpful links
General Career Advice
- VHTO - Women in Science and Technology
- WerkenbijdeOverheid (Dutch)- All the internships and vacancies of the Dutch Government
- AcademicTransfer - Scientific vacancies at Universities and Researchinstitutes
- Intermediar (Dutch)- Overview of Career Tools
- Monsterboard (Dutch)- Career tool of the Dutch vacancies website Monsterboard
- Traineeshipplaza - Orientation channel for students in their final year and Young Professionals
- VDAB (Dutch) - Searching for International Jobs within ánd outside the EU
- Expertise in Labour Mobility - When you are interested in Labour Mobility on international level
- Dresscode (Dutch)- Clothing advice for interviews and other moments
- NationaleVacaturebank - Career tips
Information for Dutch Students
Taalcentrum-VU: Tips to write better e-mails in English
Information for International Students
- StudyPortals - Find all the information about Bachelor/Master/PhD-studies in foreign countries
- erudera - World's largest education search platform backed by Artificial Intelligence
- Disabilities - Information about working with a disability.
- Hoi Holland! app - Playing Hoi Holland! is a first step towards mastering the Dutch language by learning the basics.
- Holland Career Ambassadors - These 26 trained Ambassadors who are currently working in the Netherlands, stand ready to prepare, motivate and inspire international students.
- The Dutch School System explained - Information about how the Dutch school system works. .
- Netherlands point of entry - connects International Entrepreneurs to the Dutch Startup Ecosystem
The Dutch Labourmarket for Students
- Jaarverslag (Dutch) - Overview of Dutch annual company reports
- Loonindex (Dutch) - Free advice on salary from rewardprofessionals (based on the Dutch CAO)
- StartBedrijf (Dutch) - Starting your own Company
- (Dutch) - doing interviews with a disability