
36385 results

Ryoichi Ishihara

Ryoichi Ishihara

+31 15 27 88498 Google Scholar Ryoichi Ishihara About Publications About Associate Professor at the Quantum…

Y. (Yi) Dai

Profile I received my master degree in track of Environmental Science in 2020 from TU Delft. At the same year, I start my PhD program at the…

IO3050 - Mechatronics

Introductie “Tesla Model S regularly receives over-the-air software updates that add new features and functionality. The current Model S…

IO3030 - Design Visualisation

Introduction: framework of design process steps After having past the first and second year of IO, the time has come to prepare for what’s…

IO3020 - Design and Cultural Impact

Course Contents The aim of the elective course Design & Cultural Impact is to understand the many ways products (and services) impact…

IO3075 - Towards Circular Product Design

Introduction Design will play a key role in the transition to a circular economy. Too often we design products with little regard for what…

IO3040 - Software

Software is the brain of product-service systems being responsible among others for intelligent functions, smart product/service behaviour…

IO3045 - Video for Designers

In recent years video has truly become a medium for the masses. However, although being more and more equipped with cameras in their…

IO3060 - Creating in Project Teams

This course is a journey where you face the challenging and exciting task of deciding what you would like to research and learn about you as…

IO3010 - Cross Media Interaction Design

IO3010 focuses on how to conceptualize, design and evaluate thoughtful and engaging interactions across an ecosystem of connected devices.…