
36380 results

J.G.N. (Koos) van der Horst

A. (Alex) van den Bogaard


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The ethics and rights surrounding Critical Raw Materials for energy transition

The ethics and rights surrounding Critical Raw Materials for energy transition

The ethics and rights surrounding Critical Raw Materials for energy transition 14 October 2024 13:15 till 15:15 - Location: TU Delft Aula |…

Frequently asked questions

This section provides a demand-driven quick scan related to strategic foresight for those interested. 1. What is strategic foresight?…


Professors Prof. dr. ir. J. (Hans) Hellendoorn Head of department Director of Education & Graduate School Autonomous Robots & software-based…

Datasets MREL

Datasets and Open Source models by MREL We have a wide variety of datasets and models developed, with all models published in scientific…