Datasets & Models
Datasets and Open Source models by MREL
We have a wide variety of datasets and models developed, with all models published in scientific journals. Due to the large volume of the datasets it is often not easy to host them online, but you can submit a request for the specific datasets we have available. We promote and favor use of our dataset for research purposes, under CC BY-NC-SA , CC-BY 4.0, and CC BY-SA with proper attribution through references linked to the dataset. Possibility for fully commercial use is available, but additional conditions may apply. For all enquiries please contact:
- Dr George Lavidas:
- Dr Matias Alday Gonzalez:
- Dr Jian Tan:
- Dr. Avni Jain:
- Vaibhav Raghavan, MSc:
Duration is 1990-2021 for more information on the process that developed the dataset, the methodogies followed, calibration, validation and sensitivity analysis, how to cite us:
Alday G. M., Lavidas G., (2024), The ECHOWAVE Hindcast: A 30-years high resolution database for wave energy applications in North Atlantic European waters, Renewable Energy, doi:
The data underlying the publication can be acessed here with the following
Spectral data (2D spectra) is also available by request (
Contact us:- Dr George Lavidas:
- Dr Matias Alday Gonzalez:
A pre-compiled the model can be downloaded from here. You can follow us on the repository (future release), or on this website, or even contact us for pre-released version information.
The HAMS-MREL model is continuously updated and several added capabilities are expected and will be addressing multiple bodies formulations:
- including removal of irregular frequencies,
- Global symmetry,
- wave fields (pressure and free surface elevation)
- a detail Source Code.
Boundary Element Method, HAMS-MREL (Hydrodynamic Analysis of Marine Structures-Marine Renewable Energies Lab | HAMS-MREL) is a multi-body solver for marine renewables with a focus on wave energy, offshore wind and large arrays. How to cite us:
Vaibhav Raghavan, Eva Loukogeorgaki, Nikos Mantadakis, Andrei V. Metrikine, George Lavidas, (2024), HAMS-MREL, a new open source multiple body solver for marine renewable energies: Model description, application and validation, Renewable Energy,
Contact us:
- Dr George Lavidas:
- Vaibhav Raghavan, MSc:
NSWDv1: From 1980-2018, NSWDv2: buliding on NSWD v1 and extending it 1980-2021. More information on the process that developed the dataset, the methodogies followed, calibration, validation and sensitivity analysis, how to cite:
- Lavidas, G., & Polinder, H. (2019). North Sea Wave Database (NSWD) and the Need for Reliable Resource Data: A 38 Year Database for Metocean and Wave Energy Assessments. Atmosphere,
- Lavidas, G., & Polinder, H. (2019). Wind effects in the parametrisation of physical characteristics for a nearshore wave model. Proceedings of the 13th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 1-6 September 2019, Naples, Italy.
- Lavidas, G., & Alday Gonzalez, M. (2022). Wave Energy Assessment | North Sea Wave Database.
NSWD 1980-1988, NSWD 1989-1997, NSWD 1998-2004, NSWD 2005-2011, NSWD 2012-2018
Contact us:
- Dr George Lavidas:
- Dr Matias Alday Gonzalez:
More information on the process that developed the dataset, the methodogies followed, calibration, validation and sensitivity analysis, how to cite:
- Alday, M., Lavidas, G. (2024), Assessing the Tidal Stream Resource for energy extraction in The Netherlands, Renewable Energy,
- Alday Gonzalez, M., & Lavidas, G. (2022). Tidal Energy Assessment | North Sea Tidal Database,
Contact us:
- Dr George Lavidas:
- Dr Matias Alday Gonzalez:
The dataset contains the hourly capacity factors for the point absorber wave energy converter (WEC) according to CorPower specifications, calculated with wave conditions of the year 2005. The dataset can be used to extract the wave electricity yield profiles for energy system modelling. The dataset is in .m extension created via Matlab R2018b. It contains a matrix with dimensions 400x800x8760, corresponding to latitude, longitude, and hours of a year, respectively. How to cite us:
R. Satymov, D. Bogdanov, M. Dadashi, George Lavidas, and C. Breyer. “Techno-economic assessment of global and regional wave energy resource potentials and profiles in hourly resolution” Applied Energy (2024), DOI:
More details are available in the Supplementary Material S1 within the main publication:
Contact us:
- Dr George Lavidas:
Gray-zone resolution wind and solar dataset (SWaGZ) and how to cite us:
Baki H., Basu S., Lavidas G., (2024), Estimating the offshore wind power potential of Portugal by utilizing gray-zone atmospheric modeling. Journal of Renewable Sustainable Energy,
Dataset for "Estimating the offshore wind power potential of Portugal by utilizing gray-zone atmospheric modeling" article, can be accessed here (ZENODO).
Contact us:
- Dr George Lavidas:
- Dr Harish Baki: