

18 December 2024

Reliable answers to causal questions: funding for fundamental research

Reliable answers to causal questions: funding for fundamental research

Providing reliable answers to causal questions is what the consortium project of Jesse Krijthe, assistant professor within the Pattern Recognition & Bioinformatics group, Aad van der Vaart, statistics professor at the Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, and colleagues from Leiden, Rotterdam, and Amsterdam, is all about. The consortium called ‘Safe Causal Inference’, will conduct groundbreaking research and develop new scientific insights and methods to combine expert knowledge and data-driven methods. This will lead to methods to provide reliable answers to causal questions. To achieve a breakthrough within this research, the consortium has received the Open Competition ENW-XL grant from NWO and has been awarded 2.5 million euros.

17 December 2024

Alexios Voulimeneas Wins Prestigious Award for Cybersecurity Research

Alexios Voulimeneas Wins Prestigious Award for Cybersecurity Research

Alexios Voulimeneas, Assistant Professor in EEMCS/INSY Cybersecurity group and his co-authors from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) and DistriNet Research Unit, KU Leuven won the Distinguished Paper Award with Artifact at the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2024) for the paper: "I’ll Be There for You! Perpetual Availability in the A8 MVX System" André Rösti, Stijn Volckaert, Michael Franz, and Alexios Voulimeneas.

09 December 2024

AI Supports Proactive Human-Centred Care

AI Supports Proactive Human-Centred Care

Maaike Kleinsmann (Professor of Design for Digital Transformation) and Geert-Jan Houben (Pro Vice Rector Magnificus AI, Data and Digitalisation) discuss how AI can contribute to digital transformation in healthcare.

09 December 2024

TU Delft team winner in Airbus-BMW Quantum Computing Challenge

TU Delft team winner in Airbus-BMW Quantum Computing Challenge

The QAIMS team at TU Delft have won the Golden Application prize ‘pushing the boundaries of quantum tech for mobility’ in the prestigious Airbus-BMW Global Quantum Computing Challenge. Team leader Boyang Chen, Associate Professor from the Department of Aerospace Structures and Materials, accepted the award on behalf of the team in Silicon Valley today.

29 November 2024

Student Recognized for Contributions to Social Safety and Inclusion

Student Recognized for Contributions to Social Safety and Inclusion

The ECHO Awards 2024 were presented at a ceremony at Loyens & Loeff in Amsterdam, celebrating students who demonstrate leadership and a commitment to societal impact. Recipient in the category ‘Beta & Engineering’ was Pravesha Ramsundersingh, a student whose initiatives have made notable progress in promoting social safety and inclusion within educational settings.

27 November 2024

From “one size fits all” to design for social inclusion

From “one size fits all” to design for social inclusion

TU Delft-led research project aims to break down barriers for the 1 in 4 Dutch affected by disabilities. Led by TU Delft, the project involves researchers from six academic institutions and stakeholders from a rich range of public and private organisations with a special interest in accessibility. Researchers will develop new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality and augmented reality, which makes digital services more accessible to people with disabilities.

27 November 2024

TU Delft hosts NWERC programming contest and wins second prize

TU Delft hosts NWERC programming contest and wins second prize

Last weekend, the North-Western European Regional Contest (NWERC) took place at TU Delft. This is a programming contest where 80 teams with participants from all over north-western Europe had to programme algorithms for a dozen different mathematical problems. TU Delft's team ‘Segfault go BRRRR’ came second and thus qualified for the global algorithmic programming contest, the ICPC World Finals.

27 November 2024

Battery-free sensor brace unveils crucial health data via smartphone

Battery-free sensor brace unveils crucial health data via smartphone

The human mouth holds a wealth of information about overall health. From body temperature to head and jaw movements during sleep, this data can be essential for understanding health conditions and dental issues. However, collecting such data is often cumbersome and uncomfortable. Researchers from TU Delft have...

25 November 2024

Working Visit of the Dutch House of Representatives' VWS Committee to TU Delft

Working Visit of the Dutch House of Representatives' VWS Committee to TU Delft

Op maandag 25 november bracht de Tweede Kamercommissie VWS een bezoek aan de TU Delft om te spreken over de uitdagingen en kansen binnen de zorg. De kernboodschap: de zorg staat onder grote druk en vraagt om actie, maar het succes van innovaties ligt niet in snelle technologische oplossingen. Een systemische aanpak is essentieel.

19 November 2024

New computer model predicts survival of children after CPR

New computer model predicts survival of children after CPR

After a child is resuscitated, parents experience a long period of uncertainty. In many cases, they are uncertain whether and how their child will recover. To change this, researchers from TU Delft and Erasmus MC developed a machine-learning model that can predict survival of children as early as 24 hours after resuscitation. The scientific paper on this study was published in the renowned journal Neurology.


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